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When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Going-WAYS TO YOUTH INDEPENDENCY
Start date: Sep 10, 2011,

The youth Exchange will take place in Slovenske Konjice area between two groups of young people of two countries and partner local commuties: Sweden (Solleftea) and Slovenia (Slovenske konjice). 20 youngsters(10 + 10) aged 16-23 years, 10 girls and 10 boys will experience 6 days of active participation in Sl.Konjice Youth Exchange in order to explore the ways to youth independency in terms of social integration through non-formal and informal education, focusing on volunteering as an important experience for development of new skills on the road to better employability. They would like to understand the role of youth organisations as a source of information and better possibilities on the same road. The theme will be dealt with comparatively, from both countries perspective, to find similarities and learn from differences. Activities will follow the themes and priorities of the YiA program in many ways: working groups, workshops, discussions, team-building, motivational games, walk and talk group, volunteering, sports, cultural activities and social events, meetings with representatives of municipalities and of youth policy. Throughout the project, with the workshops as well as through everyday practical tasks, socializing and through integration of the individual in the group, they will practice and improveintercultural dialogue, the use of the English language, the sense European dimension, ecological awareness, gender equality and democratic way of decision taking.

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