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What Does It Take to Raise an Artist?
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The need for this project derives from the current social and economic situation in Europe, where youth unemployment rates are high. Youth, therefore, face many difficulties in finding a job, and even more so if they are looking for a job in art. Artists are generally self-employed and face an unpredictable future. This is why we want our students to extend their knowledge from just one field of artistic creation to various ones. We believe that all around artists with a strong entrepreneurial awareness will have better chances of employment. The project involves three secondary art schools from Slovenia, Bulgaria and Italy. Our starting point was the realization that for a successful career in art our graduate students need much more than just expertise in one specific area of artistic creation, for example fine arts. This project gives them the opportunity to perfect the basic skills needed to become successful all around artists, to use their skills in other field of artistic creation, and become confident in areas such as story building, script writing, filming, animation, product designing and advertising to mention just a few. All with the aim to give our students the chance to expand their knowledge from a single field of interest to various ones, and help them with employability. The three schools all share very similar programmes but on the other hand each school has its unique advantages. The school from Bulgaria has already successfully integrated entrepreneurship into their curriculum; the Italian school can offer a specific insight into marketing of the Italian cultural heritage. All three schools feel the need to prepare our students for the future. But we also know that our history and culture offers us a rich source of inspiration and a sense of uniqueness. That’s why the Italian school will organize classes on Renaissance art and the Slovenian school will prepare an excursion to the region of Prekmurje, where the students can learn from the local craftsmen about an almost extinguished art of black clay baking. We have planned two types of activities: the ones that will be carried out in each of our schools in the same time (e.g. creation of presentation materials for each school, turning students' hobbies into business ideas) and the ones that will be carried out abroad during three transnational learning and teaching activities. For the transnational learning and teaching activities we planned workshops where the students will pass through all the stages of designing a product- from the idea till packaging, logo and advertising it. During this time they will be working in small groups in a non-formal environment, some workshops will be carried out in situ alongside traditional craftsmen and mentors. Students will get involved in areas of artistic creation, like visual communication and animation, which demand an extended knowledge in digital technology. Students and teachers alike will learn about successful business practices, they will also produce OER materials, such as videos, application for a creation of a digital portfolio and brochures. With this project we also want to improve our students’ linguistic competence, English proficiency in particular, their digital competence, and raise their cultural awareness. The world of art is beautiful but also extremely competitive. That's why our students need to learn that it takes constant, lifelong learning to stay on top.
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