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"What are you doing out there?"Job Shadowing in Spain and in Finland
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Job Shadowing project stems from the need to improve the quality of education by comparing the various organizational and educational styles of European schools that have worked together for two years in a multilateral Comenius project. We make a future cooperation in order to further analyze the educational system of the two countries Finland and Spain, for the Spanish Finland is the birthplace of Education and they were attracted by its methodology, organization school and activities. And in turn Finland also showed interest in learning more about our daily work, especially in foreign language teaching and environmental studies. Through a network of exchange and comparison of different models of intervention it is to determine what kind of strategies are more effective and efficient in the field of primary teaching. The Finnish participant is a class teacher, teaching English and having some special education lessons, too. The specific interests of the Finnish participant are foreign language teaching and environmental studies and environmental projects. In particular, we want to conduct research -related resources to enhance learning and school success. The importance of the project lies in the fact that these proposals can be shared by work with colleagues from the other country in a collective and common process in which they can share experiences and findings. One of the most interesting part of the project is the direct experience of cultural immersion and coexistence that provides pupils with the same. Action with the participants, in turn, as well as visitors or hosts, develops over the months bonds of cooperation and enthusiasm for the same goals that most certainly can be maintained in the future. With communication among all, and the scope of the proposed multicultural achievements, it becomes possible to use the language that we all share in our educational systems, English, as a vehicle for co-expression and as a tool to channel such diverse backgrounds and personalities. It is assumed that this experience, ultimately, gives alternative means to ensure the development of the skills of our pupils and teachers in a globalized world. The laying of cultural and friendly bridges will help to overcome the challenges that you may encounter.
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