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WeReurope - European LLL by Intercultural Dialogue

The reason for our project:The expanding EU needs innovative instruments to promote social cohesion amongmember states. (Everyday) culture and art can serve as intermediaries for a sustainableapproach to learning and for bridging cultural gaps. Can we identify a common culturalheritage on which a shared future vision of Europe can be built and can we put suchfindings into transferable training tools?Main activities / pedagogical strategy:Using best-practice methodologies developed in EU Projects on Intercultural Learning(Grundtvig: ARTEMIS and: Museums, Keyworkers and LLL) the consortium will developa model of “Intercultural Dialogue Conferences” (ICD) and disseminate it as a brandedtool.The ICD-conferences will aim at:• fostering unity in diversity addressing issues of shared and individual everyday• culture/s• bridging common history with the different interpretations thereof• enhancing LLL by means of culture and art• giving EU Citizens the chance to learn together about Europe and from each otherAddressing Adult Education Agencies, the ICD-conferences will be delivered by a broadspectrum of further education organisations and involve experts from all 27 memberstates and third countries.Each ICD-conference:• is embedded within a consortium meeting• will be hosted and organised by one partner• last 3 days and will follow a common basic design (but with partners able to set specialthematic focus and highlight its EU relevance - e.g. border conflicts/resolution, workmigration,Lisbon Treaty; graph p.38)Outputs, results and products:• ICD-conference-script as tool for intercultural learning• interactive project website including “weReurope” - the virtual “carpet of sharedmemories and symbols”• postcards with core project message to advertise intercultural dialogue, IC-learningtools and the website• evaluation of project and products• strategy for recognition of learning outcomes• pedagogical strategies to overcome cultural gapsImpact• Collecting strategies for further education organisations from all 27 member states• To better design low level access for their beneficiaries• Adult learners: the non-formal and informal approach will help address marginalisedgroups by encouraging creative expression.• On adult educators for cross-border dialogues and in cross-cultural educational work.

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