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Welder Training Quality development
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The purpose of the project is to increase the quality of welding in Europe. Target groups: adult people aged 18 and older who are seeking to be trained as Welding labourers and welding Team Leaders, and enterprises which use welding as part of their business. Two Outputs will be reached by the project: 1. International Welder's (IW) training programme and material; 2. An online Team Leader training programme "E-WeldLead". All project partner countries (Lithuanian, Slovenia, Denmark and the UK) have a well-developed manufacturing industry, however, the fast dynamics of the welding technology and science requires constant upgrading of pedagogical material and worldwide standards. Lithuania is the only country among the partners that does not provide welding training at an international standard for the welding labourers. In Lithuania, around 700 companies are actively using welding technology. According to the Lithuanian Job Centre, the Welder is among the top 10 most demanded professions and the demand for the welding labour has been increasing over the past five years: in 2009, the Lithuanian Job Centre advertised 1,7 thousand welder vacancies, in 2010 – 2,5 thousand, in 2011 – 2,9 thousand, in 2012 – 3,1 thousand, and in 2013 - 3,8 thousand. The qualified welders are required in shipbuilding, metal construction and repair, building, and many other sectors. Despite the fact that Lithuania has around 46 education establishments providing training in different types of welding, the companies still suffer from a lack of welding labourers. This is caused by that the diplomas of the Lithuanian vocational schools are not recognized by International Welding Organisations such as International Institute of Welding (IIW) and European Welding Federation (EWF). This blocks the employment possibilities for many vocational school graduates and negatively impacts on the Lithuanian welding industry which works in the environment of a tough business rivalry. A few years ago, two universities in Lithuania became ATBs. These two particular ATBs were established for the preparation of the senior welding specialists such as IWS (International Welding Specialist) or IWE (International Welding Engineer). However, Lithuania still does not have a vocational training body which would be accredited to provide international training for the welding labourers. Therefore, PO Vilnius Jerusalem Labour Market Training Centre (VJLMTC) aims to become an ATB during this project. The main purpose of becoming an ATB is the preparation of the International Welder's (IW) training curriculum that meets the requirements of IIW and EWF. It would ensure that Lithuanian welding industry is provided with the suitably qualified welding labour, and that the graduates of the VJLMTC have high prospects of employment. VJLMTC teachers will upgrade their qualification to meet IIW requirements during this project. Piloting of IW training is compulsory in the process of becoming an ATB, therefore a 14-monthly piloting in Lithuania will be part of the project. WTQuality makes a continuation to another project worth over 4 mln EUR and initiated by the Lithuanian Government during which VJLMTC has built at its premises a modern Sectoral Practical Welding Training Centre-Base fitted with high-tech equipment. WTQuality project is part of a well planned vision and a long-term strategy of VJLMTC and the Lithuanian Government on the way to increasing the welding quality in Lithuania. One more highly problematic area which WTQuality will address in the lack of Team (Brigade) Leaders in the welding sector. A welding Team Leader welding team is not a seniour welding specialist or engineer. He or she is one of the welding labourers who possesses certain people management skills and a good knowledge of the welding work organisation. During the project, partners will select the most talented welders and train them as Team Teaders. For that purpose, an online Team Leader training programme "E-WeldLead" consisting of 8 modules will be prepared in 4 languages (Lithuanian, Slovenian, English and Danish) and tested by partners during the project in 3 countries (Lithuania, Denmark and the UK). To ensure the innovative and engaging experience at learning, the programme will be created using Moodle platform.
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3 Partners Participants