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Welcoming and advising, our future job
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

As teachers in Aristide Briand vocational high school, situated in a Priority Education Zone and now classified as “lycée des metiers”, we want to allow 9 students preparing a BTEC National specialized in the reception of customers and service users to complete a 4 -week- work experience in Plymouth on March 2016. 2 teachers would equally take a staff training course in another European country. That action is in line with the wish to develop a European partnership started 2 years ago. In England, we will work with a partner called “Tell Us”. On March 2015, 10 students from a Secretary and Administration last year of BTEC National class, will carry out a 3-week- work experience in Portsmouth , thanks to this partner. In 2016, we will strengthen our links with this organisation thanks to this partnership. The goals of this mobility are varied but all answer to the objectives of the European Development Plan and to the missions of The Ministry of National Education, particularly concerning its Academic Led project. For the students, the aim is to acquire competences thanks to concrete learning situations, with a preparatory phase in France with more English lessons given by the English and Professional subject teachers, working closely. In England , immersion in an English family and in English work placements, will strengthen these competences. The aim is also to encourage autonomy and mobility for students who are not prepared to that and not used to travel (scholarship students), and to involve parents in the process. The objective is also to improve results to the exams, thanks to better language skills , but also thanks to the dynamic and investment of all the participants from the start to the end of the project, as well as to its assessment. The idea is also to develop a feeling of European citizenship and identity : making students sensitive to differences and cultural identity , promoting other ways of living and thinking, stimulating curiosity, sensitizing students to respect and tolerance. A real work will be done on Europe and its institutions, a visit to the House of Europe, as well as a study concerning England. Fighting against early school leaving and making job employment easier thanks to better employment training and opportunities are goals too. Training staff in Europe must allow the teachers to : -Think about their own teaching methods in order to improve them. -Understand and use innovative and more useful ways of teaching to motivate the students, share pedagogical experiences with European partners, promote open-mindedness and creativity The persons in charge of the project will make the agreements made with the partner organisation durable and quality, will go on communicating on the project and its consequences with other sections in the high school. The partner firms will show their involvement in the modern world and their desire to exchange practices by opening themselves to Europe and its youth. Such a project will advertise our high school as a school involved in European development, strengthening patnership to make the latter durable and eager to develop staff training abroad. Communication will be aimed at medias: websites( Aix-Marseille Local Teaching Authority, high school), local press(La Provence, le Dauphiné), radio: Radio Mix( local radio), sharing experiences with other students (in secondary schools) as well as in firms. Varied financing operations have been organised : selling of class photos, creation of a mini firm with objectives in line with those of the European mobility. A steering committee and a strict continuous assessment have been put in place.
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