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Weiterqualifizierung EU-Projektverantwortlicher an der TLS
Start date: Jun 20, 2014, End date: Jun 19, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The background of this project is the increased internationalisation in education at FE- or Vocational Colleges. Whether companies want to capture foreign markets or whether apprentices from European countries are seeking education and training at a German vocational college, in any case, lecturers responsible for the success of their students have to be able, first of all to communicate successfully. Likewise important, they have to be able to create what educationalists usually subsume under the term "learning environment" for their students. For Theodor-Litt-Schule Gießen, as “Europaschule in Hessen”, the “European dimension” is constituent element of their curriculum, i.e. depending on a “task based language learning approach” various transnational activities are integrated into our training lessons. For this reason we want to get our staff trained in such a way, that they can take over the role of a so to speak “anchor-person”, that on the one hand is able to prepare students for professional life, related tasks, and responsibilities and on the other hand can converse with foreign partners to design joint educational procedures, exchanges, or projects. Participants of the project are six members of our staff, who have been teaching for many years and therefore had the chance to gather enough experience to deliver their lessons bilingualy now. To give advise to this project, at TLS, a so called SCHILF-supporting group has been foundet. The aim of the group is to express their goals for the courses envisaged, communicate goals with the project partner, and evaluate results. We think that the project described above can serve as a one of the foundation stones for successful classroom work and to maintain our status as "Europaschule in Hessen".

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