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Weiterentwicklung des Schulprofils und Europaprofils, Ausbau der IKT-Nutzung bei internationalen Projekten, Erfahrungen im Bereich Inklusion erweitern.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We are one of 22 "Europe-Schools" in Saxony-Anhalt and thus feel obliged in a special way to the European spirit. Therefore we would like to send seven participants to different activities. These participants are dedicated colleagues that have been working for years in different departments (among others Mathematics, Biology, Psychology, Geography, Ethics, History) and they have experiences in international projects / school partnerships. One participant is a "coordinator for upper secondary level students" and attendant of an already running ERASMUS+ KA2 project (we are associated partners). Activities are a 6-week teaching stay of a colleague at a Scottish school, the participation in advanced training courses specifically for the EU in Brussels of another colleague, as well as the realisation of six measures in the form of language training courses. Intended project aims are the improvement of foreign-language abilities, the reception of new impulses for our international projects and school partnerships as well as for the lessons of the colleagues, an exchange of views on the subject "Inclusion" with the implementation of new ideas for our everyday teaching practise and a further improvement of IKT use for the conversion of future EU-wide projects. Primarily, foreign linguistic obstacles should be removed, which might influence the work in running (e. g. ERASMUS+ KA2) and future projects (etwinning, planned participation in another KA2 project with a Finnish Lead partner) as well as the conversion of bilingual lessons. We expect from the evaluation process as well as from the implementation of the knowledge in projects and (partly bilingual) lessons an added value, a further promotion of the European spirit and additional motivation for our students. Other colleagues should be encouraged to take part in future international projects, e. g. via etwinning. In the long term we expect from the measures an extension and further enhancement of our European profile.
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