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Weiterbilden, verbinden, verbessern - Organisationale Qualitätsentwicklung durch Kompetenzerweiterung von Sprachlehrkräften / Educate, connect, improve - Organisational quality enhancement through language teacher competence growth
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The professionalization of teaching staff on a freelance basis has been a challenge in our efforts to improve the quality of adult education in our school, the Volkshochschule Chemnitz, for many years. Despite or because of the rather lose connections of the staff to our institution we have long been supporting our teachers with special training to improve their competences and qualifications and encourage them to contribute them to the general quality of our school. Keeping in mind the growing lack of qualified people in our region on the one hand and the difficult individual job situations on the other, this project aimed to add a new, that is a European dimension to these efforts. This is especially important for language teachers, whose job prospects are mainly based on their up-to-date linguistic-cultural competences including their knowledge of the theory and practice of modern language teaching. Local training of these skills is naturally limited and needs to be supported by training directly in the target countries. Therefore, within the scope of the project, 15 chosen teachers of English, Spanish, French, Italian, Czech, Turkish and German as a foreign language were able to take part in language classes as well as didactics and methodology seminars abroad and to personally exchange experiences with teachers from other countries. Furthermore, one member of our permanent management staff visited experienced project partners in the UK to strengthen our cooperation and to discuss potential topics for common projects by talking to management and teaching staff there. These topics include digitalisation and product development, individualisation and differentiation as well as the aquisition, commitment and further qualification of staff. The objective of these mobilities was to refresh and improve language skills, to learn about new teaching methods, to get a deeper insight into the teaching, learning and educational management processes and last but not least to intensify personal contacts. As a result, existing course offers of the Volkshochschule were to be improved and new concepts were to be developed. We also hoped to retain the participating teachers in our institution and increase our attractivity as an employer. The content and experiences of the seminars abroad were closely reflected on afterwards and will be made accessible to other teachers in train the trainer seminars at our school in the medium term. On the long term, the Volkshochschule aims to use the project contacts to other European schools of adult education for further exchange and cooperation. This way, the project will not only influence the quality of our daily work but add a completely new field of action to it.
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