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Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Oct 17, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

" We want a Green Europe" is a bilateral exchange project. In it will take part 24 young people from Spain and France and they tutored by four monitors , two from each participating entity. We will live for 8 days in the town of Cinco Olivas . The spanish youngs are living in rural area and come from ten municipalities from 70 to 2500 inhabitants, and the French young people come from the peripheral area from Paris, all of them belonging to families with different personal and social problems. The main theme of the exchange is that young people working on environmental issues in two lines: - With the first of these, the young people will know the impact of man's hand on the environment and to seek solutions . The result of this work will be represented in a graffiti on the walls of our residence, where you can see an image of a clean Europe thanks to the involvement of young people in environmental conservation. - In the second line the young know the environment of the town , especially the banks of the Ebro River, and where they can perform two interventions to improve their status. They work with an association of sport fishing in the construction of waste containers to help keep the banks clean and also, they will build a series of bird's houses to place them in the trees and to assist the survival of a greater number of birds on our banks. This project seeks to invite young people to think about the importance for its involvement for the correct preservation of the environment of a better Europe. To achieve this objectives, we will used the methodology of non-formal learning, through dynamic and workshops to acquire skills that will contribute to the personal development of the young participants. The activities will be implemented through a participatory approach and focused on the young, who take part in this project voluntarily and also be linked to their needs, aspirations and interests.

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