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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the project called WE LOVE CLIL is the support of CLIL methodology within the school. Due to the fact that the school has been teaching with CLIL for 9 years and the results of monitoring students' knowledge prove that both students and their parents appreciate such approach, we would like to improve our skills and support CLIL methodology with digital education. The school is well-equipped with the latest information technologies and thus we intended to improve teachers' ICT competencies, which are the key topic of Pedadogical-Orgaanizational Materials by Slovak Ministry of Education. The training attended by our employees enabled us to utilize the full potential of ICT equipment. We also put emphasis to correct methodology of English Language in primary education. Our ambition is to share the joy and creativity with our pupils and show them well-organised lessons of English Language. Our students come across English Language not only during language lessons but also during lessons of other key subjects through the implementation of CLIL method. This method helps to develop all four language skills - reading, writing, listening and speaking - as well as individual assessment and team cooperation. Therefore, we find it very important to elaborate school educational programme in which there is enough space for the implementation of the above method. Five teachers have been appointed to attend training within this project, their number was changed to 6 after the approval from the National Agency. They teach all key subjects and educational areas - primary education, English Language, CLIL subjects. Respecting the objectives of the project, we prepared a digitalised content of CLIL education - a web page with interactive CLIL exercises, tests, worksheets and topic sheets. We also organized a training session on CLIL methodology with a workshop for schools in Košice region. Our long-term goal is to increase attractivity of our school for wide public and improve students' interest in our institution - a school with European dimension.
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