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Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project presented our civic association which works with adolescents and dedicated to their support and development. The project involved three other organizations ? Poland, Germany, Azerbaijan. Polish organization is partner with whom we already had the experiences, the other two were our new partners. The project consisted of two activities: Youth Exchange and Partnership Meeting. The theme of project was ?How to increase the motivation of young people, and enhance their employability and civic engagement?? In exchange, we were looking for answers to this question together with the young and in partnership meeting on this issue we wer looking from the perspective of youth workers. Partnership meeting followed on youth exchange and moved cooperation from plane of youth workers to plane of ?professional? cooperation. After the project we are building effective and stabe long-term cooperation organizations involved. The impetus to this issue was and is our common experience (in different contexts and also for various reasons) the fact that young are easy to give up ther ambitions and became passive and negative tuned. This topic we addressed during the exchange and at the meeting through a variety of non-formal education in order for the participants involved in the project meant personal development competencies. The participants created the Youthpass by themself and it is a proof that they acquired new competencies. Discussions on various topics to them broaden their horizons and gave them space to express their opinions. The final output from program was project created by themself, which was conducted by each organization in thier community. The international dimension also gave young people the opportunity to experience a multicultural environment and learnt mutual respect and reverance. Another challange which the youn must handle was overcoming the language barrier. It was the first experience for some of them, but for most of them it wasn´t problem. Young were open and respetcted each other in this sphere because everybody weren´t on the same language level. Exchange took part in 30 participants, from Slovakia ten young people, one leader and one staff, from Poland six young people, one leader and one staff, from Germangy five young people and one leader, from Azerbaijan three young people and one leader. Exchange took five days plus two days of travel. Meeting was attended by 13 participants from three countries. Organization from Azerbaijan couldn´t attend for the reasons which are undermentioned. Instead we added one participant from the other three countries, namely Slovakia for 3 participants, one leader and one staff for Poland and Germany 3 participants and 1 leader. Meeting took three days plus two days of travel. Exchange took place in Slovakia and meeting took place in Poland and through this we wanted to increase the impact of the project on the young people in our neighborhood. Under this project has developed cooperation between organizations, the organizations has established new partnerships, youth gained new friendships, acquired new competencies, overcome various challenges and obstacles, on the basis of acquired knowledge and experience realized his own project. This experience and knowledge can now be used in their communities and for it to be so useful and helpful.
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4 Partners Participants