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WBS goes Europe
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We would like to offer 22 apprentices of our vocational college an internship during their vocational training for 2 and 4 weeks respectively in various enterprises in member countries. For that reason we want to apply for the funding of internships for apprentices in the catering trade, textile technique and clothing. The participation of other educational fields should also be possible in the near future. The apprentices are mostly in their second practical training year. So they already have experience in their profession. The exchange aims to give them insights of the working environment in other European countries, to learn more about differences, techniques and working procedures. Furthermore, they will have the possibility to extend their knowledge and have access to new approaches in their training period. Moreover, the apprentices will be made aware of the importance of foreign language skills that are required for employment on the international labour market. Creating a multicultural awareness, understanding and open-mindedness are of priority interest to us. Above all, we very much like to help our apprentices gain self-confidence and tolerance. Supporting and increasing their adaptability and personal development. The intended project work does not only refer to lifelong learning but also has a great influence on future careers. Potential employers will appreciate the positive experience achieved by the exchange. Consequently the young people have good chances for employment in Germany and abroad. The internships for the catering trade in Paris are planned with 8 apprentices for 2 weeks each time in November 2015 and 2016. The internships for textile technique and clothing in Grodzisk / Poland are based on a scheme to accommodate 3 apprentices for 4 weeks each time over Easter 2016 and 2017.
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