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Water Adaptation is Valuable for Everybody (WAVE)
Start date: Dec 31, 2007, End date: Oct 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The overall challenge of the WAVE project is to create conditions for a sustainable. regional development in which the different (land use) functions are approached in an integrated manner and opportunities are used in such a way that the region is equipped to set off the consequences of climate change. The strengthening of the value of water in the region forms a leading principle within this context.The three main objectives are developing policies that prevent damage and address opportunities. making stakeholders and nature less vulnerable and introducing the importance of water. All activities and measures taken within the framework of this project should contribute to the idea of climate proof catchments. The WAVE project will make use of research projects that will be carried out within the Dutch Climate changes Spatial Planning (CcSP) programme. One of the main themes of this research programme is Adaptation. The Dutch CcCP programme introduces the climate proofing approach. The starting point is that investments in sectors and hence the way land and water resources will be (spatially-) distributed is among other things also dependant of climate change developments.. The concept of climate proofing is the development of (spatial-) adaptation strategies that reduce climate risks and optimise both environmental and business opportunities. Achievements: Water adaptation is valuable for everybody (WAVE)The past five years (2008-2013) six international partners have been working together within the WAVE project to prepare for future changes in regional water systems, caused by climate change. One of the measures to be taken is to assure that catchment areas are climate proof. This means to protect the inhabitants against floods and assuring sufficient water in times of drought.This is a challenging goal in a society that is faced with increasing urbanization and in which the pressure on available space is enormous. It implies the need for cooperation with traditional partners like provinces and communities, but also with relatively new partners and stakeholders like inhabitants, companies, nature organisations, recreational organisations and farmers (territorial challenge). The water managing bodies need to work from a broad social perspective and assure that catchment areas are climate proof in a way that it is valuable for everybody.The three main objectives, so called work packages, are:• developing policies that prevent damage and address opportunities,• making stakeholders and nature less vulnerable,• introducing the importance of water, creation of awareness.Within these work packages, the partners have developed and are executing regional project activities. Apart from the regional activities, WAVE also focuses on joint activities, the Joint Actions.Map of the NWE programme area (with location of WAVE project partners)To highlight the water issues and motivate the project members for many WAVE years we used a real WAVE Song. You can see it here.
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  • 50%   5 499 377,83
  • 2007 - 2013 North West Europe
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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5 Partners Participants