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Water - a phenomenon in the life of mankind and a common component of European pre-primary and primary education
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project follows a Comenius Regio project which was realized in the years 2012-2014. The project partners wish to continue successful cooperation which was started thanks to that project and want to develop European dimension of their work and education. Both regions are located in structurally weak areas and suffer from low infrastructure. This project should help to improve the image of local educational institution as well as the conditions of community life. The topic of this project is Water as a phenomenon in the life of mankind and a common component of European pre-primary and primary education. Water plays an important role in both regions and its uniqueness, scarcity, insularity as well as danger or utility in everyday life and educational concepts are subject of this project. The project has three main products including a childrens´ book with pictures and poems, a set of methodology worksheets and colouring worksheets related to water and finally an educational foot-path around the local water areas. The project has about 2500 direct and indirect participants. The direct participants include workers of municipal authorities of both regions, elementary schools and kindergartens, fire fighter associations and associations active in the branch of environmental protection. The indirect participants are citizens from local communities in both participating regions and other indirect participants at whom the dissemination is aimed. The project is based on methods of experiential teaching, non-formal learning and transition pedagogy and long-life learning. A specific topic of this project is inclusion, as both regions have citizens from disadvantaged social classes and this project should lead to their better integration into community life. The project activities include educational activities aimed at water as a phenomenon, during these activities, partial results will arise and will be presented on the project web-site or on the E-twinning platform. Educational institution will prepare their own materials and worksheets and finally all material will be collected to form the above mentioned final products. An important project activity is creating an educational foot path, which will represent a long-term result of the project and will enhance the attractiveness of both regions for tourists. A final local conference in both participating regions with the aim to inform about the results of this project and promote the programme Erasmus+ will be held. The audience of the conference will be public, local citizens, teachers from all types of schools in the region and local political representatives. During the conference the outputs of the project and its methodology will be presented to the visitors. All results and outcomes will be used to refresh, update and modify the school curricula to suit the needs of todays pupils growing up in the European background. The experience and skills gained during further education courses will be reflected in the educational programmes of all participating kindergartens and schools. Long term benefits of this project include improving the level of key competences and professional skills of all participants, enhancing transnational cooperation and the dissemination of good practice.
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9 Partners Participants