Walking together
Start date: Jun 1, 2015,
End date: May 31, 2017
Summary of the project
From our school, we think that it is fundamental the contact with other forms of education to improve and update the quality of education in languages. We think that this system of approximation of positions between several schools will turn out to be very profitable for all the involved schools, and it will be a very direct way of innovating and improving our quality of education, meaning a stimulus for the teachers and promoting at the same time a space of contact at European level. For all this, this year from our Bilingual School we have decided to bet for the observation of the work in other European schools.
Number and profile of the participants
The total number of participants who request this activity is 8, all teachers in languages, either being English language specialists, or teaching other subjects in English (methods AICLE and CLIL). Between them, we find the Coordinator of Bilingualism, and this year for the first time also the PT of the school (specialist in children with special needs). All of them are formed in different languages by certificates, and continue being formed to improve their competences in linguistic matters. Also they have taken part in the request of other projects of European mobility, KA1 and KA2 from the year 2012. In turn, they come often to the courses organized by the educational and / or different publishing authorities as for legislation, innovation, new methodologies, etc. Also they are taking part in different linguistic activities focused on the students.
Description of the activities
We have decided to use the possibility that offers us the activity of job shadowing (observation of the educational work in other schools) in cooperation with our eTwinning partners of Poland and Italy to approach a cultural and European enrichment, as well as the improvement of new methods of education (CLIL, Tics, education of the foreign language for pupils with educational special needs...) First, our school will organize several meetings to prepare from a pedagogic, linguistic and cultural point of view the selected teachers. Our organizational plan consists of visiting the schools of our partners in Poland and Italy (a total of eight mobilities). In turn we, in our school, would receive the visit of one of the partners. We will implement a work of exchange and cooperation, and will start a blog taking English as a language of exchange, that is, the language used as the foreign language in the three involved schools. Thanks to these activities, we all would benefit from the ideas and the work, and we will develop an intercultural dimension. The activities to be carried out will be both in the educational centre and in the town/city. The school activity will be held at every school, that is to say, the teachers visitors will be observers in the classroom and later they will do activities with the students involving the foreign language and the own culture of the country.
All the participants agree on the exchange of experiences and the need to adopt new methodologies to innovate in our daily labor and try to improve pedagogically, this way we will also open new cultural horizons to our pupils. Consequently, we will try to attract the attention of those pupils who are less motivated, or find alternatives to deal with those students with some specific difficulties. Visiting teachers and teachers involved in the above mentioned project will talk about the following topics:
• School failure approaches from a linguistic perspective (English language)
• Methodological proposals (innovation)
• Transmission of pedagogic knowledge and experiences lived in the classroom
• Intercultural approximation
• Search for motivating strategies concerning education and learning of the foreign language (English), turning into a key element in the education of our pupils.
Possible outcomes, impact and potential long-term benefits
In the personal field, the above mentioned experience will mean for the implied teachers more confidence as for the use of the language of work, on having used it as the language of communication and that of exchange of experiences. As for the professional field, this activity of training will contribute to our work in the following aspects:
- Improvement of the linguistic competences in the teaching of the foreign language.
- Learning and updating of the new didactic approaches and methodologies concerning the learning and teaching of English as a foreign language.
- Use of new materials and didactic resources for their implementation in the classroom.
- New approaches to our task as teachers to improve and apply more effective and new methods of work.