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Wales Ireland Sustainable Enterprise (WISE)
Start date: Aug 31, 2008, End date: Jan 30, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The WISE project aims to improve the sustainability of engineering related SME's in Wales & Ireland through enhanced leadership, management, innovation & environmental best practive at all levels. Project Objectives • Recruit 40 engineering bases SMEs to provide innovative, tailored support with a particular focus on management, leadership and technical aspects of product diversification & manufacturing technology to support their sustainable development,• Activities will include expert mentoring, challenging & provocative small group sessions & a diagnostic support process to identify sustainability issues within the SME,• To share expertise & best practice developed by ITC, ECITB & other academic partners to support SME development & sustainability,• To develop a diagnostic tool using ECITB & ITC criteria which will be used to assess the current sate of health of SMEs,• To correlate the results of the diagnostic process to develop a sustainability action plan for each SME,• To monitor & implement the recommended plan using the resources of all partners and achieve outcomes within the project timeframe,• To undertake all project actions with SMEs in line with the principles of sustainable development.

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  • 126.6%   1 144 365,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Ireland - Wales (UK-IE)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

1 Partners Participants