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Waardevermeerdering door ontwikkeling van een internationaal netwerk Visual Design (VIVID)
Start date: Jun 30, 2010, End date: Jun 29, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The VIVID project aims to create a cross-border virtual network in the Visual Design sector, a sector that creatively translates communication into multimedia applications. This sector is constantly evolving and offers great economic potential for the 2 Seas area, using new media and technology to develop visual communication tools which are more efficient, more understandable and can also be applied internationally.That said, there are two main barriers preventing this sector from expanding in the 2 Seas area: its fragmentation and a brain drain of highly educated professionals towards the capitals (Amsterdam, London, Paris, Brussels).The VIVID partnership wants to cluster organisations and to strengthen the sector by:- Promoting cooperation and knowledge-exchange with the participating universities and higher education institutions for new applications in the visual design sector.- Stimulating creative entrepreneurship and supporting start-up businesses, especially young professionals.- Showcasing and profiling visual design to a wider audience, as well as the uses and applications of visual design in trade and industry. Expected Results: What are the key results of the project?The project will achieve the following results;Network development for Visual Design- create an international Visual Design knowledge network, serving institutions and trade and industry with practical solutions and providing new market opportunities for Trade & Industry- VD event organisation- a virtual VD expertise network will be created- creation of Visual Design networks with at least 50 participants,New VD products- deliver new applications for national heritage and copy this knowledge to other fields;- deliver new educational projects for youngsters which can be copied in all partner countries- virtual incubation centres will be delivered- travelling programme on VDWidespread reach and VD sector growth- Deliver a strategic growth report for the VD market- Involve at least 10.000 youngsters- create at least 50 new jobs in Trade and Industry- 150 students supported in order to start a business- 100 students have found a job in an SME- 250.000 people will visit the events by partners- 1000 companies will visit the eventsAre all partners and territories benefitting from the results?The target groups are; universities, visual design institutions, museums, festivals, the cities the partners are situated, trade and industry, Chambers of Commerce, Visual Design companies, students, inhabitants of the partner cities, visitors to festivals, seminars, healthcare, industry, innovative companies, national knowledge institutions. These benefits are valid for each territory.Final beneficiaries are economic actors and businesses in Visual Design given it is a line of business which has great possibilities for trade and industry with several branches looking for new interactive ways to approach their target groups. Citizens and future generations will benefit from new job opportunities as well as new and high quality services developed as a consequence of growth and innovation in the sector.What are the effects / outcomes for the territories involved?A higher level of knowledge for partner countries, more academic and applied research, creation of employment on visual design resulting in a higher participation of cultural institutions, more cultural diversity, more visitors to the city, more cultural products for the city resulting in a raise of attraction of higher educated people living and working in the city. More festivals and better quality events owing to the cooperation between partners and so on.
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  • 50%   2 870 415,00
  • 2007 - 2013 2 SEAS (FR-UK-BE-NL)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

8 Partners Participants