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W kierunku zawodowego sukcesu – staże zagraniczne uczniów Dwójki
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project ‘Toward professional success – international internship of students of Dwójka’ is aiming at students of gastronomy, logistics and economy sector. There will be 31 students taking part in 12 month lasting project. The students will participate in 2 weeks international internships in a German company, F+U Sachsen gGmbH, in Chemitz as well as a few gastronomy establishments. The project will be completed in March 2017 and has been arranged in response to the previously diagnosed rising needs of students searching for professional experience. The additional motivation has been the fact that, without such internship, the student may have encounter difficulties on the job market or rising cost of further education. Zespół Szkół nr 2 (Secondary School nº2) has been cooperating with the German company since 2006, which has allowed us to profitably negotiate the terms and conditions of the internship’s programs, alimentation, accommodation and safety. The Garman company provides high quality of the internships and highly qualified staff based on long lasting experience in the field of professional training. Those assets guarantee the best quality of the training. During the phase of elaborating the application, the sending organisation has prepared the recruitment criteria which will base mainly on educational success of the students and their social situation. Additionally, a linguistic, cultural, didactic and vocational project has been prepared for the participants of the internship. These needs were diagnosed as a result of enquiry to the students’ opinion.The economy students will have an opportunity to learn the ways of functioning of a German company, its structures and duties. The logistics students will learn how operates supply and delivery department (warehouses) and the gastronomy students will acquire the ability to prepare dishes of German cuisine as well as to operate the professional equipment. Owing to the education in the workplace and training, the students will have an opportunity to acquire experience facilitating them better beginning of their professional career in the future. Additional goal of the project is to know the German culture and customs therefore some educational and cultural trips has been taken into consideration in the programme. ‘Europass Mobility’ will constitute the confirmation of the students’ newly acquired abilities and experience. It is a certificate issued by hosting and sending organisation. In addition, the F+U Sachsen gGmbH company is willing to issue supplementary reference to those students who will prove the extraordinary engagement into the internship duties. Some steps monitoring the students’ progress will be taken during the internship, including opinion surveys, students’ training registers and students’ progress charts as well as mail correspondence sent by students from their workplaces. After homecoming, the project will continue as the students will share their experience and opinions during the meeting with school peers and town authorities. The priority will be popularisation and exploitation of the results of the project so as to familiarise people with the Erasmus+ Programmes, school project and newly acquired professional, social and linguistic abilities of our students. The project results should last and be used log after its termination. The project’s benefits for the students as well as its aim, is to improve linguistic and professional competence of the young people as well as to acquire new experience in order to maximise their professional mobility in the future. The project will also bring profit to our Secondary School nº2 as it will strengthen school’s prestige on the local educational market, it will present our school as a modern establishment promoting European professional mobility. This project will also be another experience for our German partner in organising internships. We believe that it will strengthen our cooperation and image of Polish students in F + U Sachsen GGmbH Company. What is more, our school has been obliged to deliver to the German company all press publications about Polish internship in Germany, which we believe will also tighten our cooperation and become foundation for further projects.

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