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Vzdelávaním k úspechu – príprava budúcich odborníkov
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main objective of implementing a foreign professional practice is through quality foreign vocational education and training to prepare our students for future employment at a national and european level. In our region the unemployment rate reaches high numbers. The surrounding private companies are looking for such professionals who besides the acquired school knowledge are able to deliver a high quality to the companied. The same applies if the graduates choose to found their own business. The requirements for that include high self-confidence, flexibility, openness and especially a broad-spectrum expertise. 70% of our students come from disadvantaged backgrounds and so it is not possible for them to take part in such international experience at their own expense. We aim to provide equal opportunities for all of our students.The 3-week internships abroad are planned to be implemented:1. In Hungary, Budapest in October 2016 for students of the study fields:- Hotel Academy (6 students)- Cook (3 students)- Waiter, Waitress (3 students)2. In Italy, near Milan in April 2017 for students of the study field:- Agromechanic, repairman (12 students)Expected impact on the participants:- Improvement of their intercultural communication with customers, which plays a key role in providing services at a european level- Learning the terminology in Hungarian and English to enable them to get employment in Hungary, resp. all over the world after graduation- Working with such devices, technology and materials that are less common in Slovakia and thus get better prepared for the european labor market- Becoming more confident, what they usually lack and is needed to gain ground on the labor market, or set up their own business - regional development- Realizing that they have to adapt to a rapidly changing labor market- Becoming more mobile and more open to the world- Getting foreign contacts to help them in their future career and cooperation- Increasing the mobility of studentsNevertheless, the implementation of a foreign professional practice will contribute to the improvement of the picture about our secondary vocational schools among the educational institutions in the Košice region.

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