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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is focused on the development of teachers’ qualifications in the outdoor education. One of the fundamental principles of outdoor education is the cooperative education and the group lessons. By its practical application, the school expects the support of integration of pupils with special educational needs and the support of inclusive education.The school has got ideal conditions for learning through outdoor education. Next to the school there is an interactive ecological classroom, nearby the school there is the farm of the secondary agricultural school, as well as water areas – the ponds, a natural park and a forest.However, at the moment, the school staff has got neither enough knowledge of the expected level, nor skills and experience that would enable them to use outdoor education in a sufficient extent. For this reason, the goal of the project is to gain necessary knowledge abroad, using examples of good practice in the countries where outdoor education has already been integrated into the educational systems, to take them to school and share them with the other colleagues. Project activities will be attended by seven members of the pedagogical staff who, by using the form of shading and attending the course, will gain necessary knowledge in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Portugal. All of them belong to the active and respected school employees. They have already taken part in the international and national projects and they are able to use gained knowledge in their classes and to share it in the adequate quality with their colleagues. The implementation of the method of outdoor education will bring long-term benefits of inclusive education to our school.

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