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Vom Weinviertler Tellerrand zur internationalen Küche
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

2 students of the Higher Vocational School for tourism in Retz will get the chance to acquire intercultural knowledge, which is essential in tourism. They will work in restaurants and hotels abroad (England) and will put their theoretical knowledge into practice. They will learn to deal with English, but also with guests from all over the world. They will have some insight into the organisation of a foreign establishment in the hotel and restaurant section and they will be able to enlarge their knowledge of the foreign language. These students will work in European countries for 6 / 12 weeks in summer 2015 and by means of specific tasks they will be able to gain new experience in the kitchen and service areas. They will become aware of the cultural differences between the various countries and will pass on their knowledge to their classmates at their return. Passing on their experience at school will motivate their classmates to do their internships abroad as well, and will show them the value of learning languages. Passing on their acquired knowledge and experience will also impress parents and public in general, which will benefit the image of the school as an intercultural establishment. The school will therefore be more attractive to future pupils and secure the position of the school on the border between Austria and the Czech Republic. The students will benefit a lot from their stays concerning their independence, their abililty to work in international teams and their problem solving skills, which will definitely improve their chances on the job market in the future.
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