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Volvo/Renault Car-mechanic
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Four years ago our school, Tegelbruksskolan, ventured into an e-Twinning project with the French school, Lycée Profesionnel Ferdinand Dégruiller. Mrs Déleris and Mrs Wrentner have since worked together on two different projects. The natural next step was to enable our students, who are vocational Car-Mechanic students, to carry out a part of their vocational training abroad. The students have benefitted from this experience in many ways; improved language skills as well as social skills. Comments from their evaluations: ”I have learnt that I can communicate with people without using any language!”, ”I have learnt to work with a lot more responsibility on brand new cars.”. ”I have learnt to work faster.” Technical knowledge and the chance to get a Europass as a bonus in their CVs was also something that the students appreciated. Relevance is high because a majority of the third year is spent on practical work and to be able to have a part of this training abroad has given the students a greater sense of importance as well as a change and a new perspective on their working environment. We chose the students using a transparent procedure where focus was put on motivation, grades, attendance, maturity, responsibility. These key competences/qualities were chosen because these are well-known to all the students and therefore easy to understand and purposeful. It is true that some of these are connected to personality traits and therefore harder for some to attain but there is always room for development and improvement and in using this tool the students become aware of what is demanded of them and there can be a discussion on how to reach them. We experienced some problems with our first group of ten car-mechanic students where two boys decided to terminate their training abroad due to sickness and anxiety and an unwillingness to adapt to the new and harder working conditions in the French garages. No such problems arose with the second group of nine car-mechanics where we had an overall much higher sense of doing your duty and maturity. We were able to offer three students from the Transport program to carry out job training in Hamburg with BJ Spedition because we ”lost” the two students who went home and because we were only able to select nine car-mechanic students this year. This was possible to set up with rather short notice due to a former connection between one of the teachers and the company. This turned out very well and the head of the company, Mr Meyer was very pleased and has already asked for a continued cooperation. This project has also strengthened the possibility to long-term international cooperation for us and the French school. Our school, Tegelbruksskolan, has now added Internationalisation to its definition, which is a great step forward and which affects all the students and colleagues here. We need to attract new students and this is a good way of marketing your school. To prepare the students we have used Skype, Facebook and email to communicate and also focus on sharing information about the work they do in their respective workshops/garages. In France they had the opportunity to visit French auto factories as well as getting an insight in the French way of life and French culture and history. We thought that the results would show great improvement in attitude towards other young people in European countries and towards seeing themselves working abroad in the future. The outcome has not been exactly like our prognosis but still we see an increased awareness in attitudes toward this area. Our students need the personal boost this type of activity has given them. This experience has helped broaden their view of life and strengthened their understanding for other people, consequently moulding them into more responsible citizens as well as helping them succeed in their future profession. Two Swedish vocational teachers and one English teacher also carried out job shadowing at the French school while the students were at their training. This job shadowing didn’t turn out as well as planned due to much greater language difficulties than expected. Had the communication worked better we would have prolonged the job shadowing. In English the teacher was able to take part in several different classes where most of the teaching was done in French. In the garage the vocational teachers were able to monitor the students work and get an insight to their work through very brief conversations with the French teachers.

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