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Volunteering In Milano
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Volunteering In Milano (VIM) aims at investing in youth, improving their skills and competences, encouraging solidarity and active participation in society and promoting a transnational and intercultural dimension.Five young volunteers selected by Freiwillgendienste- Diözese Rottemburg Stuttgart, in Germany, will have the opportunity to contribute to the daily work of 4 Italian organizations based in Milano, dealing with the social inclusion of disadvantaged people: Fondazione Caritas Ambrosiana (FCA), Fondazione Aquilone Onlus (FAO), Pratica Società Cooperativa (PSC) and Fondazione Casa del Giovane (FCG).Milan is Italy’s second-largest city, its economic capital and one of the world capitals of fashion and industrial design. It is a multicultural city rich in art and culture: it has some of the most important Italian universities, a large number of museums, art galleries and concert halls. Milan is also considered the capital of voluntary work: in 2013 there were about 9000 organizations and informal groups involving about 25000 volunteers.The volunteering service hosted by FCA will be related to Roma people. The EVS volunteer will collaborate with the Roma and Sinti office and participate in activities supporting social and work integration, in particular the Taivè workshop, aimed at the production and sale of hand-made products sketched and sewn by Roma women. Taivè’s objective is to support unemployed Roma women in accessing the labor market. The most important tool is the relationship with them, based on mutual trust and respect. Women are taught not only a job, but also how to behave in a working place, a crucial aspect since most of them don’t have work experience, have a low educational attainment and some are illiterate. Working in Taivè is a chance to gain a salary (a strong tool for emancipation), acquire professional skills, improve their knowledge of Italian and increase their self-esteem. The volunteer hosted by FAO will be involved in the activities of the day-care center “Sorriso” (“Smile”). The service provides personal educational paths addressed to 30 people with disabilities thanks to the work of professional operators and volunteers. It promotes their social integration, their empowerment and the development of their self-sufficiency skills through different educational and recreational activities and workshopsThe volunteer hosted by PSC will be involved in the activities of the day center "Mantegazza" for people with disabilities. The activities are oriented to develop, maintain and rehabilitate residual capacities and are aimed at strengthening personal autonomy, psycho-motor and expressive activities, socialization and cultural activities, rehabilitation activities and self-sufficiency activities.The two volunteers hosted by FCG will carry out their services in two different centers for underage unaccompanied migrants. These services provide a safe environment for the growth and personal development of foreign minors, with the aim of preparing them for autonomy and social and work integration. EVS volunteers will support educational, training and recreational activities in this multicultural environment.All volunteers may also participate in field trips, outdoor activities and recreational, sport and training activities organized in network with other local actors. They could also be involved in meetings and networking activities with such territorial realities.Finally, EVS volunteers will participate in periodical staff meetings monitoring daily activities and working methodologies and will be able to contribute to the definition of some educational or recreational activities, bringing their ideas and experience. They will all be involved in the different activities accordingly to their own interests, skills and personal aptitudes. The main learning outcomes consist in: - educational skills gained by working with professional educators, in particular about informal education aimed at disadvantaged groups;- understanding the methodology applied in the development of social projects;- improving team-working skills;- experiencing networking among organizations;- improving knowledge of the Italian language;- improving skills related to the involvement and accompaniment of disadvantaged people.- living in a multicultural environment;- developing an open, tolerant and respectful attitude;- enhancing relationships skills.Thanks to the contribution of EVS volunteers, VIM project will also allow increased empowerment, inclusion and relational skills of the different target groups. VIM represents as well a valuable learning and enriching opportunity for hosting organizations, which will gain different perspectives and new ideas. EVS volunteers will bring their own positive contribution and personal views, experience and skills. At the same time, the organizations are conscious to be able to offer them a meaningful experience which will be a milestone in their life.

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