European Projects
Volunteering for social inclusion
Volunteering for social inclusion
Start date: Sep 1, 2014,
End date: Aug 31, 2015
Project "Volunteering for social inclusion" is a long term EVS activity hosted in Angelus Silesius House from Wrocław - Poland, that
invites 2 volunteers - one from Germany and one from Romania, to work for 9 months (from October 2014 until June 2015.
Activities run within the projects are connected with educational activities of Angelus Silesius House: international youth
exchanges, Polish – German Exchanges (PNWM), Center of Mobility, activities for youth and children from romania Roma community, workshops and activities for local kids and youth and also new initiative - Senior's Club. Sending organizations are from Germany (VIA e.V. - Verein für internationalen und interkulturellen Austausch) and from Romania (Forumul Cetatenesc pentru Actiune Sociala si Educatie Civica).
The aims of the project are:
1. non formal education connected with such topics as: open society, civil society, democration, European Union, participation
and social consciousness, history, mass-media, human rights, interreligious and intercultural dialoge, global education;
2. showing young people what interculturality is – different ways of life, different cultures, different experiences. We want them
to be aware of becoming more and more a part of global society;
3. showing participants of our workshops their rights as well as their obligations – we want them to learn how to live in a reliable
and independent way;
4. improving the way of working with youth, creating new methods and techniques as well as materials;
Tasks of the volunteers are: help with preparing and organizing workshops, elaborating scenarios and support trainers with
leading them. Supporting the mobility platform in ASH, promote in local schools volunteerism and voluntary work, support for
Polish-German exchanges and Center of Mobility, support for workshops/activities for youth and children from Roma community,
leading workshops for local youth, kids and seniors. "Volunteering for social inclusion" project is going to work in frames of non formal education metods like workshops, meeting, simulation games etc.