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Volunteering for Peace in Barcelona
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The European Voluntary Service project KA 1 mobility for young individuals “Volunteering for Peace in Barcelona” will host Aleksandra,young person, 24 years old, coming from Serbia, from 1st September 2016 to 1st June 2017, in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, where she will collaborate with the Fundació Catalunya Voluntària, in its office, as active part of the team implemening the programs of "Voices for Peace' and “Catalans in the world”. She will promote the international mobility and the development of key competences among Catalan young people, including young people with fewer opportunities (willing to improve their social, intercultural, language and job skills) and help to strenght cooperation, partnership and networking between FCV and other NGOs from Serbia and the South Eastern European region, for the promotion and realization of initiatives based in increasing the role of young people in creating awareness about the Culture of Peace and in building capacities to be/become Peace builders. She will take active part in FCV local activities according to her interests and skills. She will stay for 9 months in Barcelona and will be integrated into the Spanish and Catalan society and culture. She will bring her ideas and experience in organizing activities for young people focused in improve their intercultural understanding and active citizenship. During her stay in Barcelona she will live in the city center, in a single room, sharing her flat together with Spanish language speakers, to help her to integrate better in the Barcelona society. She will be volunteering as active team mate in several project focused or topics of her interest and assembled by Catalan young people with different background and experience. She will take part in the weekly team meetings, local trainings and informative sessions taking place in the FCV office and will also take part in meetings, trainings and events taking place around the city and the province of Barcelona.

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