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Volunteering against poverty
Start date: Dec 1, 2011,

The aim of 'Volunteering against Poverty' is to bring together a strong network of young volunteers from Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America to raise awareness on youth poverty and the struggle for decent work by producing a thought-provoking and inspiring documentary.24 young volunteers will be trained in peer education and documentary-making to facilitate local video projects. The local volunteers will interview their peers on their fears and hopes regarding their working life, talk to experts, employers and decision-makers and develop ideas to fight youth poverty and exploitation. The local volunteers themselves will be young people with fewer opportunities. Their active participation in this project will equip them with a set of attitudes, skills and knowledge that will be extremely helpful for them in the future.Objectives:To form a network of young volunteers motivated and well-equipped to raise awareness on youth poverty and the struggle for decent work- To train 24 young volunteers in peer education and documentary-filming and to facilitate 12 local film projects- To empower young people with fewer opportunities in 12 communities in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America by peer-educating them in documentary filming and equipping them with competencies such as working in teams, organising events, interviewing, film editing and self confidence through their contribution to the documentaryTo raise awareness on youth poverty and the struggle for decent work through the production and wide dissemination of a high-quality documentary and a series of shorter viral videos and debates and workshops following the screenings of the documentary- To produce an activity pack for educational work on youth poverty to accompany the documentaryActivities and venuesPreparation meeting, Brussels, Belgium (December 2011)Training course in Medan, Indonesia (March 2012)Local video projects in all communities involvedProduction meeting, Barcelona, Spain (August 2012)Public screening and evaluation meeting, Brussels, Belgium (November 2012)Dissemination phase in all communities involvedParticipants24 volunteers from 12 youth organisations in Asia, Latin America, Africa and Europe 4 co-ordinators and a professional documentary makerAround 20 young people with fewer opportunities in each local community who will be peer-educated to produce the documentaryExpected results and envisaged impactA global network of volunteers trained as peer educators and motivated to stay active at global andlocal level12 local volunteering projects contributing to the production of the documentary to raise awarenesson youth poverty and the struggle for decent workYoung people with fewer opportunities equipped with new competencies and motivated tovolunteer for youth organisationsHigh-quality documentary on youth poverty and the struggle for decent work made by youngpeopleWeb space with viral videos, peer-to-peer interviews and other video material on youth poverty anddecent workActivity and information pack for educational purposes to accompany the documentaryHigher awareness of youth poverty, unemployment and precarious work through widedissemination of the documentary and additional materials

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  • Youth\Youth in action (2007-2013)\Youth in the World\Coooperation with countries other than the neighbouring countries
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

11 Partners Participants