European Projects
Volunteering - about-with-for you
Volunteering - about-with-for you
Start date: Sep 1, 2014,
End date: Aug 31, 2016
„Volunteering – about-with-for you” is an EVS proiect which focuses on multiculturality in connection with young people and Eurpean volunteering, respectively intercultural dialogue of the youth. FCD chose this theme as they observed the difficulty in communication and intercultural interaction among young people. Thus this proiect aims at developing abilities of communication and active participation in social, intercultural dialogue of volunteers, increasing the level of interest of young people in societies, mentalities and cultures, developing the spirit of entrerpeneurship of volunteers, combating prejudices agianst Southern – and Middle East European cultures like Ukrainien, Turkish, Romanian, last butnot least developing learning abilities through non-formal educational methods.
In this proiect we plan to host 4 volunteers from different European countries: Ukraine, Turkey, Hungary and Germany for short-term (2 months), and long-term (10) EVS volunteering. The volunteers will participate in the social programmes for children in Mera, Cluj-Napoca and Oradea and numerous multicultural and intercultural events organised during their service. Each of the volunteers comes from a different European country, young people who are inteested and open to inter- and multicultural learning.
The volunteers will participate in more types of activities: activities with socially disabled children, recruitment and Erasmus+ programme promotions, intercultural and multicultural activities with other volunteers and young people from Cluj-Napoca, Oradea and other cities from Romania. The activities with children include assisstance in doing homework, non-formal educational workshops and activities, mini-projects of the volunteers, organisation of events, family visits, learning new languages.
Volunteers will promote the project and the Erasmus+ programme through making posters, presentations, active participation in the evaluation and dissemination process. They will also be part of the interactive multicultural activities and events throughout the project’s time like intercultural evenings, personal ideas, visits in other cities, meetings with the mentors and other volunteers from Romania, participating in the events organised in Cluj Napoca, the Youth Captial of Europe in 2015.
The methods used in our project are non-formal and informal, using the guidelines of Certificate Youthpass.
As results we foreseen the followings: the volunteers will know what multiculturality means, will enrich not only their knowledge but also their social skills will develop, they will be able to communicate with the local people, they will know the Romanian culture and the multiculturality of Transylvania (Romanian, Hungarian, Roma, Saxons, etc), they will develope their tolerant attitude towards other cultures, will develop in ’learning-to learn, will be able to work with socially disabled children and at the same time will be able to promote the Erasmus+ programme to other youngsters in their home country, as well as implement their competences in their future personal and professional life.
The longer term benefits of the present project are the increasing number of volunteers in society and solid, strategic partnerships in further proiects involving organisations from the programme countries and partner countries.