Search for European Projects

Voltaire 2014
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school is located in a poor area of Nîmes. Different sections can be chosen : first education based on hospitality business including cooking, service, wine service, pastry and catering services, then education based on hairdressing and beauty. The different classes our students can attend and diplomas they can get are the "baccalauréats professionnels" (vocational A-level) with special sections based on the knowledge of European cultures and languages named "section européenne" in English or in Spanish. We emphasise the main objective of the program on enabling our students to go abroad and have a work experience there, in as much as they mostly come from low classes. Then, that will help them find a job more easily in restaurants as the knowledge of different cultures and different languages is very important in hospitality business. We intend to send 17 students to different countries : the United Kingdom (England and Scotland), Spain or Germany. We’ve been working with some of the hotels and restaurants since 2005 and we are looking for new ones that we would like to develop a partnership with in the future. The choice of the students depends on the diploma they want to pass, the motivation shown and the involvement of the pupil in their training. The selection of the candidates is made by all the teaching team and the heads. The different activities are related to the requirements of the diploma and the evaluation criteria are translated according to the objectives of the training session. The translation is made into the language of the host business of the student and is sent and explained to the tutor before the beginning of the training period. The project will be organised as followed: - First, we make a selection of the hotels and restaurants we intend to send our students to, some of them we have been working with since 2005) and others are newcomers. The choice of the traineers depends on the personality of our students and the diploma prepared. - Then, we organise an information meeting with all the students to explain the project to them. Another one is held with the students who are interested, their families and the heads. - The preparation of the students is made by the teacher of the vocational subject with the teacher of English or Spanish, and is coordinated by the contact person through different researches : study on culture and tourism of the different European regions (Scotland and Devon for the UK, Catalonia for Spain and Baden Wurttemberg for Germany). This cultural side is studied through researches on the Internet, tasting of local products, organisation of dinners on different themes, and the study of the touristic and cultural (museums and way of life) as well as other practical aspects of the life in the chosen country. These actions are made to ensure the participants a better integration during their training period. - The selection of the participants will be made by the teaching team and the heads. - The translation of all the documents will be made by the teacher(s) of the vocational subject with the teacher of English or Spanish (terms and conditions, evaluation criteria, objectives etc....) - A meeting is organised to explain precisely to the participants and their family all they need to know to make sure everything will be all right (insurance, transport, lodging, rules to adopt etc...) - The ticket to reach the firm is booked by the school, - The during all the training period the student keeps in touch with the teacher who will assess the work done by the traineer with the tutor. He/she will make sure the student arrived safely, contact the tutor to follow the training period, will have some contact with the students, will open a private facebook account and make sure that the student returns safely to France at the end of the training session). This process is shared by all the teachers under the supervision of the contact person. The validation is given by our head. We intend to go on working with the partners we've been working with since 2005 and to create some new partnerships to adapt ourselves to the requirements of the market. The hotels and restaurants that welcome our students are motivated to share their knowledge and working methods as well as their language with the participants. It also contributes to give a good representation of their business. Our students are satisfied with the project as it allows them to develop their professional and linguistic skills. It also allows them to discover new cultures and develop their sense of belonging to the European Union. It also makes the research of jobs much easier in the hospitality business.
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