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VOGS+Deaf: Parallel Establishing of European Vocational Guidance Standard Model of the Deaf people, developed under Leonardo da Vinci program of European Union, in Lithuania and Hungary with the help of Estonia and Germany

The essence of the project was to consider the special needs in vocational guidance and fulfill the gap of adequate guidance for the Deaf by establishing vocational guidance standards based on the “Vocational Guidance Standard for Deaf People” created by the Austrian institute within the scope of LEONARDO Pilot Project VOGS and developed in SALO Baltic International OÜ 2007 TOI project VOGS+. European vocational guidance model for the Deaf was created, tested and approved in some partner states. The resulting establishment process and experiences in different backgrounds tested the basic VOGS+ Deaf in new circumstances, disseminated and completed it. The completed VOGS+Deaf model was integrated into existing vocational guidance systems through the training of practicing counselors. Project partners: The project was carried out in close cooperation of four partner states with different cultural-political and geographical backgrounds: Lithuania, Estonia, Hungary and Germany. All partner organizations are working in the field of vocational guidance generally and particularly in vocational training of disabled people and the Deaf.The results of the project become a complete toolbox for the vocational guidance of the Deaf developed, discussed and complemented in close exchange of the partners: the general description of the innovative model with video components, scientifically approved tests for the Deaf, including evaluation and interpretation schemes and guidelines for counselors, assisting and vocational guidance specialists in tandem (hearing and deaf) from LT, HU and EE trained to work with VOGS+Deaf and the VOGS+Deaf training programs in national languages for further training of counselors.
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3 Partners Participants