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VOCE - Training course on Storytelling Method
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

AMFI wants to present a project called “VOCE” on the promotion of learning mobility for youth staff to develop their skills on narrative techniques for educational storytelling activities. The project is aimed at 20 participants highly motivated to carry out work experience in field of reference of the project. The mobility will consist in a structured course starting from February 2017. The project sees the collaboration of a wide partnership, at the European and national level. The promoter will, in particular, provide logistical assistance, preparation of beneficiaries, monitoring and evaluation of project activities. After their return, participants will receive the YouthPass certification which will attest the skills and abilities developed during their experience. The final results of the projects will be disseminated through the collaboration of the project partners. There will be a final conference on the project where the results of the project will be presented and the beneficiaries can refer on their experiences. The expected results of the project are the development and improvement of language skills, teaching methods, organizational and communicative-relational skills of the 20 participants involved in this project.The main indicators of success for the project will be:- The development of language, organizational and communicative-relational skills;- Greater knowledge in the field of design, implementation of new teaching methodologies;- The creation of a partnership for the purpose of cooperation in the field tackled by the project: creation of new contacts and sharing of best practices with other trainers in the youth sector.
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10 Partners Participants