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Vocational Course On The Move II
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project aim is to integrate and develop new competencies in the following technical areas: 1. Gardening, 2. Information technology and multimedia, 3. trade, in order to match the need expressed by the local companies of a more qualified labour.The main objectives consist of:- Foster the attractiveness of VET.- Strengthen the liaison between VET professionals and working life in order to improve our pedagogical skills.- Development of vocational skills relevant to the labour market needs.- Incorporate common European tools to promote transparency and recognition of qualifications (Europass, ECVET).The beneficiaries of the project are 6 pupils aged 16 up to 17, and they will attend the last year of the VET school, and spend a placement of 1 month in Jerez de La Frontera, Spain.The activities that students should do during the traineeships are:- being acquainted with the work safety regulations;- being acquainted with the regulations obliging in the institution providing the apprenticeship;- being acquainted with workers' duties;- Technical areas activities (as mentioned in F.1. Learning Outcomes).The 9 participants will be selected by the different class committees on the basis of common criteria. Before their departure, the beneficiaries will receive a pedagogical preparation. The pedagogical will consisted in a orienteering module, which explains the aim of the placement and provide the participants with information on the labour market and the social frame of the host country.At their arrival in Spain, they start their practical placement in the companies, which overall consist in traineeships in their technical area. The specifically placements contents and organizations will be decided by the sending school in cooperation with the intermediary and host organizations.The tutoring of the beneficiaries will be carry out at the same time by the hosting partners, the intermediary partner and school tutor, covered the whole duration of the placements.In terms of impact, first of all, the participants will acquire new professional skills and abilities in their professional area. Moreover, working in a foreign context strongly develop their linguistic and social competencies. Secondly, on a personal level, the foreign experience is an important opportunity of comparison and growth; being in touch with people having different mentality, habits and way of life, bringing them to discover a wider and concreter sense of European Citizenship.The placements abroad enable the students to live within a net of relations, at work and in the social context, where they had the opportunity to take up responsibilities, perform tasks in an independent way, empowering their self-confidence and as a consequence increase their self esteem.The challenge represented by the work and social environment will reinforce their communication, behavioral and relational skills. The students involved in the project will have the opportunity to test their professional choice and to become more aware of their own strengths and weaknesses. Working in a real and not fictions work environment allow them to acquire not only specific professional knowledge but also an overall view of the role and rules characterizing the world of work.The use of the foreign language in authentic contexts where different language codes are required has actually empower the students’ language performance. Furthermore the foreign language is no longer perceived as something fictitious but as a real communication means that proved to be necessary to live and work abroad.

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9 Partners Participants