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Vivre et travailler en Europe
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our goal is to provide students with additional foreign language skills in their professional field, but also open-mindness and adaptability towards foreign countries in the perspective of living and working abroad. The 12 students concerned are in their junior year in a vocational high-school, and they will go abroad for 4 weeks in June 2015. The teachers who are concerned, are namely two speciality teachers, two English and Spanish language teachers and two general education teachers who usually work with the class. They are committed to follow up on the students on the premises of their training. The presence of these teachers is explained by the involvement of the team at all levels (preparing students during the first year in both general and vocational education, to stay and work in a foreign company), and by supporting and monitoring students on site. The project takes shape in their first year with the setting up of a one-week of exchange with a school in La Coruña, Spain, providing a first opening abroad. On this occasion, students and families are aware of the possibility of mobility training in their junior year in London or La Coruña. Candidates are identified and selected by the entire teaching team. They are prepared to mobility throughout the year and put in relation with host organisms. Participants are followed throughout the mobility by a guide teacher. The focus is on monitoring the internship and evaluation. This project provides an opening towards foreign countries in our vocational high-school. Links with partners will perpetuate and provide an opportunity for many other young people . For those of them who will go, these trainings provide the opportunity to discover a different workplace, to fit more easily into the world of work and / or consider a further study or work abroad. For teachers, this experience is the opportunity to visit many companies abroad , which will be a very rewarding addition to their classes, whatever the subject may be.
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