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Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This first ERASMUS + project is the 4 fourth one of the cluster of 5 of the 7 vocational schools of PROVENCE FORMATON In line with the objectives of a European opening attached to the core of the educational project of the schools, the aim was also to gather all schools around previous successful mobility projects and embed professional mobility in new curriculum. Strengthened by a long and significant experience in the implementation of LEONARDO mobility projects since 2005, Brise Lames vocational school, situated in Martigues, has included Marie Gasquet (Marseille) and Célony (Aix en Provence) schools in the 2011 Leonardo grant application for students in European divisions preparing business and administration Baccalauréat Professionnel. Simultaneously, a professional mobility project for 15 teachers operating in these divisions was sent in order to reinforce their linguistic and professional skills. Since then, Lycée Charlotte Grawitz (Marseille) and Lycée Caucadis (Vitrolles) have joined the cluster, offering mobility opportunities to a larger public and to logistic and transport students. Consequently, this project has finalized professional mobilities for: - 45 students in Baccalaureat professionnel Sales, Business, Administration, Logistics and transport motivated and trained in United Kingdom (London and Portsmouth), in Belgium (Bastogne), in Malta and in Spain between 3 and 5 weeks - 13 students in CAP Catering and Hospitality in Sicilia and in United Kingdom - 2 Catering and Hospitality teachers in Sicilia - 9 Sales and English teachers in UK All selected students followed a professional and cultural training before departure in order to make the most of their experience abroad Those who were going to an English speaking country, to Spain or to Sicily were given a specific linguistic training, linked to their professional field. All, wherever they stayed, were involved in socio-cultural activities Teachers also benefited from a specific preparation to mobility by working their European CV, cover letter and interviews in the target language to define their professional objectives. Students in CAP, under age, were accompanied throughout their stay by two teachers who dealt with any practical or personal issues and worked regularly with the students their Europro file. The following objectives have been achieved: -All participants have been curious and shown a very good level of adaptation to their new environment. The experience of immersion in a different cultural, linguistic setting, especially for those accommodated in host families in UK and in Malta has supported their integration. - A majority of participants has developed new professional and linguistic skills, wherever they stayed: all managed to adapt and practice new working methods, encouraging acquisition of new soft skills and savoir-faire. - Teachers engaged in mobility shared methods and good practice with their counterparts in other countries, developed their linguistic skills and discovered new professional environment linked to the curriculum they teach in France. -Validation of the professional experience has been formalized by the European Mobility for all, by the Europro certificate for 54 students.25 students in European division passed the exam and 28 obtained the “Unité Facultative de Mobilité” -This project has reinforced the cluster of PROVENCE FORMATION schools, sharing resources between schools as well as communication activities. Through this project, links with intermediary and receiving partners with whom schools have been working for many years have been secured -In relation to the promotion scheme of the project, a launching day and a Europass ceremony day at the end of each school year gave the opportunity to all stakeholders to understand the scope of the project and share together the real experience. By the end of the project, all participants have, thanks to their mobility experience, strengthened and improved their professional and interpersonal skills, giving thus an added value to their curriculum and CV, in keeping with the European working market. Quality standards set in the application were respected.
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