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Vivre en Europe autrement
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Jean Moulin Vocational school is located in Vincennes, in the suburbs of Paris. Our students prepare their Btec in Business, Sale (prospecting and negotiating), Customer Service, Secretary and Accounting, and Logistics. Most of our students come from the lower middle class (including 31 % of them receiving a social scholarship for the 2015/2016 academic year). We welcome students from 39 different nationalities. Our school offers the possibility to sud three different foreign langages : English, German and Spanish. For many years our schools has had two european sections in English and Spanish, whatever diploma the students are preparing . Thanks To LEONARDO then ERASMUS+, our school gives the opportunity to the european section students in Spanish to enjoy a four week mobility during the first semester of their final year. This year two students preparing a Btec in Logistics, one preparing a diploma in Sale and a fourth one studying secretary and accounting have spent their four week work placement in Salamanca. During the second year of their three year training course, we give them various professionnal and cultural activities. The project named « Salamanca regional products and handicraft » gave our students the opportunity to learn about the vocabulary ( the selling chain, matching products, selling scripts). The cultural approach of their future professional background is done with the use of new technologies and tools such as the recording of a web radio « Radio Ventura » produced by our spanish teacher. During their mobility in Salamanca, our students had the chance to take part in the recording of a radio show on « Radio Espacio ». . At the end of their second year, we send the Europass CV and the students’ profiles to our partner in Spain who is in charge of finding suitable companies regarding the diploma and the abilities of our students. Organising the mobility is an important part of our mission, we had to be especially careful this year since three of the students were not French citizens. Two teachers accompany the students on the trip to Spain and take them to meet their host family. They organise a city tour in order to improve their knowledge of the city where they are going to live for a month. During the first days, the teacher take the students to their companies and meet the tutors. Every week, our partner in Salamanca organises visits to make sure that every thing is fine for the companies but also for the students. They are never left on their own since we keep in touch constantly with them via Whatsapp, Twitter and Skype. At the end of their four week work placement, our Spanish teacher went back to Salamanca to evaluate the students and fill in the official evaluation grids that have been translated into Spanish. Once they are back in France, our students complete a file in order to present their professional, personal and cultural experiences. This file is the key to their final examinations : the « Mobility « examination and the « European Label’ certification. All our students had terrific grades this year (including a 19.5 out of 20!). Our students expressed their desire to communicate about their experience to their peers. Therefore they have taken part to a « Spanish European Section Meeting » on January 2016. They also recorded their testimonies for our webradio project and they welcomed and accompanied the students from the IES Dr Peset Aleixander (Valencia) who came to France to visit our school. We know that our students developped their self confidence thanks to this unique professional and human experience. They all passed their « European Label » certification, two of them passed their Btec with honours. They all wish to continue their studies and probably live other experiences in a different European country.
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