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VITA - Virtual Learning for the management of successful SMEs

99% of European companies are Small and Medium Enterprises. European economic dynamics stands on SMEs capacity of generating profit, getting sustainable and establish in the market as learning organisations in the search for innovative solutions and products. But whilst the importance of Europe’s SMEs, in economic terms, is widely recognized, there are simply not enough entrepreneurs and SMEs growing and creating new jobs. Therefore, the over-riding challenge for the European Union and its Member States is to create conditions in which entrepreneurs are encouraged to follow their ideas through, where the attractions and potential gains outweigh more clearly the costs and inevitable risks of starting an enterprise.This challenge only be adressed by giving people the opportunity go gain competences, specifically adressing the maintenance of a business in a sucefull path. Only best motivated and self-convicted adults about own management skills will take risks and assume decisions in economic market. These are the people Europe needs to strenght SMEs market and transform it into a high competitive and innovated system.VITA – Virtual Learning for the management of successful SMEs - presents a innovative approach to learn and practice entrepreneurship and business management competence, based on the results of different projects, concerning web 2.0 based and virtualization strategies.The partnership will use the available knowledge from EU recommendations, policy for SMEs and experiences already promoted in member states, such as the use of “mini-companies”, e-learning curricula for SMEs and virtual training experiences to develop a learning strategy specially designed for the needs of SMEs’ managers.VITA aims to increase the capability of SMEs to adapt to in European context, resorting to a specific training module, and increase adults employability, mobility and multicultural awareness, by:• Defining the European entrepreneur profile in terms SME’s management competences on the basis of needs analyses in collaboration with employees;• Defining courses, pedagogical approaches and evaluation tools addressing identified needs, upon the results of different projects, adapted to the characteristics of a virtual learning campus;• Conceiving a 3D virtual learning environment where learners will participate in collaborative learning experience, located in Second Life platform and will have the opportunity to test their competences in safe context of application by generating and managing a virtual SME.• Certify eLearners in the basis of EQF and ECVT systems and other national qualification systems.VITA will target directly the following groups:1. Adults (older than 18 years) qualified with secondary school level, 2. Employers in the scope of SMEs’ sectorIndirectly this proposal will have impact in Education and Training professionals, all the users of Second Life, SMEs owners, SMEs employees and managers.In order to achieve efficiently proposed goals and generate a network system to distribute and multiply VITA tangible and intangible outcomes, project promoter – Escola Superior de Educação de Beja/ Beja’s Higher School of Education (Portugal) was joined 6 partners, representative of all target sectors, from diversified European contexts: University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Portugal), Bucharest Chamber of Commerce (Romania), bitmedia e-Learning solution GmbH & Co KG (Austria); Hyvinkää-Riihimäki Vocational Adult Education Centre (Finland), IDEC S.A. (Greece), Dida Network Srl (Italy).In the end of the project, after 24 intensive months, partnerships expects to have created conditions of impact in 3 European different systems: social, economic and technologic sectors, by strengthening its capacity to answer challenges in the scope of Lisbon strategy objectives.
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5 Partners Participants