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Violence and subjectivity in a global movement: jihadi trajectories in the UK and Spain (Jihadi trajectories)
Start date: Feb 15, 2008, End date: Feb 14, 2010 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Understanding emerging forms of terrorist violence in Europe is one of the most important challenges facing both the social sciences and public policy today. Grounded in the sociology of global movements, this Fellowship consists of a two-year comparative research project exploring experiences of jihadi radicalization among young people in two European countries, Spain and the United Kingdom. The project moves through three stages: •an analysis of the way personal experience is explored, constructed and communicated in public spheres, in particular the Internet •an analysis of data collected through security investigations that give access to experiences of communication between young people on a path to violence (in particular material gathered in the context of the March 2004 bombings in Madrid and Operation Crevice undertaken in the United Kingdom in 2007) •20 interviews with people convicted of terrorism offences (10 in Spain, 10 in the United Kingdom)
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