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Violence and sexual abuse as risk for suicide
Start date: Aug 18, 2014, End date: Aug 17, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Children and young people with mental health problems and suicidal thought rarely disclose their feelings or receive help. Only a few young people who have tried to take his life has been in contact with a psychologist or other specialist ( Wichstrøm 2008 ; Ystgaard , 2003). Research shows that adolescents with suicidal behavior often have negative experiences from childhood and adolescence, for example sexual abuse and violence. This is shown by several studies (Wichstrøm 2008; Grøholt; Hawton et al 2002; Ystgaard 2003). The number of children and young people who experience violence and abuse, is estimated under-reported (Isdal , 2002; Storberget, 2007; 5 Orbach & Lamb, 1999; Sjøberg & Lindblad , 2002) and there is reason to wonder if violence and abuse is so taboo that school personnel don´t tear asking students about it. The school is in a unique position to identify and prevent mental illness and suicidal behavior, because it comes in contact with most youngsters. Teachers see children daily and over time, which give them an opportunity to observe well-being and behavioral changes and other signs that may indicate that a child has difficulties. If professionals in school are able to understand children and interpret different signals, can the difficulties be captured and identified at an early stage, and the child can quickly get treatment. If professionals in schools not are able to interpret and understand children's signals, they can explain the children's behavior and difficulties from individual and educational related explanations, like learning or concentration problems, rather than looking for causes in the child's life situation. Project "Violence and sexual abuse as risk for suicide" involves 7 teachers at Møllehagen School Centre who work with suicide prevention and the children victims of sexual abuse and violence. Two of the participants hold a Masters degree in psychosocial work. One is specialized in suicide prevention, the other one in violence and sexual abuse. This mobility project includes participation in 4 international conferences about suicide understanding, risk factors and prevention: 1. "European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behavior (ESSSB15)" 2. "NFBO 2014: Nordic conference about violence and sexual abuse, with focus on children´s voices about witnesses violence" 3. "Associacao de Mulheres Contra a Violencia (AMCV) The 4th international conference on Survivors of Rape". 4. British Association for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (BASCAN) Congress “New directions in Child Protections and Well-being: making a real difference to children’s lives”. The participants will get wider and better understanding of risk factors for suicide, and how to detect and protect children at risk which will lead to better quality of their work and activities in favour of students. They will also get the latest research in the subjects and use the opportunity to develop new partnerships. The participants of the project aim to train people who work with children and young people, primarily at schools, to look for signals or signs as indicate that young people do not feel good, or have any kind of problem. The training is divided into the following topics: • Suicide and suicidal behavior among young people - what causes it and what can help? • Violence and sexual abuse against children and young people - the extent and consequences • How to talk to children about painful secrets? This training package is considered to be the potential longer term benefit of the project. Participants in the project will share their knowledge with other teachers at Møllehagen School Centre, schools on the west coast of Norway, voluntary organizations, experts and practitioners in this fiels and other interested parties.
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