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Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The implementation of this project proposal entitled: "Bioclimatic building design" refers to the education of students of 1st EPAL Makryneias in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering specialties. The program involves in principle theoretical training of scientific staff of the host organization. Additionally, we made scheduled visits to companies for internships and cultural visits. The training program was designed according to the characteristics and needs of the participants in order to obtain the specialized knowledge required in relation to bioclimatic architecture, so that in combination with the received practical skills and attitudes required by their specialty, to become competitive and able to pursue and achieve their integration into the labor market. In the proposed project we expect to achieve multiplier effects and benefits, both to the participants and for the abroad actors involved. This gives added value to the proposal, contributing to the development of the European dimension in vocational training and vocational guidance and disseminates the importance of mobility programs and transfer of European culture in the sending country. The training needs of students who are covered by the plan and which are directly related and relevant to the needs of the labor market, focusing on the current trends and European Union directives that promote and subsidize green growth, bioclimatic design and energy autonomy. The plan is expected to involve 24 students per stream, who for a period of two (2) weeks will go to Portugal and Germany respectively. The first stream will be implemented in March 2015 and the second in December 2014, upon request of the sending institution (1st EPAL Makryneias) with the host institutions (AIAM και ARGO). With the approval of the proposed project , our organization intends to organize a series of activities that will involve the preparation phase (publicity , collection requests to participate , a structured interview , selection of beneficiaries , seminar linguistic and cultural preparation , training guides, training materials , preparation of beneficiaries , organization and procedural travel and subsistence ) , the implementation phase ( going abroad , theoretical training, internships ) and the phase after the end of training ( assessment , dissemination of results , administrative documents to the National Unit of the Erasmus +). By the end of the project, the trainees are expected to gain valuable experience and important skills regarding information on bioclimatic architecture and training to active and passive systems used in applications. Through the implementation of the program, students will come in contact with innovative implementations in the field of bioclimatic architecture and will get to see the latest technology applied in practice. They are going to derive valuable experience and important skills that will enable them to contribute to and participate in promoting green building. After the end of the main implementation activities of mobility, for the proposed project, the expected impact for participants will be to gain knowledge and skills for the subject of training, strengthening self-esteem, active participation in society and the development of critical thinking, personal development and strengthening European citizenship. We believe that the proposed mobility action will bring significant long-term benefits both at the individual level and in general developmental level, contributing to the added value of local and regional development, by investing in human capital, proven productivity growth in the field of green building due to the successful training of participants and to eliminate disparities by promoting equal opportunities for men and women.

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