Search for European Projects

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project “FUTURE HORTICULTURE SPECIALISTS TRAINED IN THE EUROPEAN AREA” addresses students in the 10th form, enroled in the horticulture qulification of vocational education. These students are considered a vulnerable group, as 90% of them come from families in an conspicuous degree of poverty, with unemployed parents, with parents sporadically immigrating abroad, or single-parent families with a precarious wage. From an educational point of view, only 20% of them have taken part in the National Evaluation exam at the end of 8th form and all of them have received grades below 5. Upon the completion of the first series, in the school year 2013 – 2014, just 15% of the vocational education graduates have continued their studies, by following the courses of a technological high-school, most o them opting to search for employment in order to help support their families financially. Unfortunately, on the local level, the vacancies in the horticultural domain are scarce and the existing ones are in sustenance farms, and even in this case only 15% of the vocational education graduates in the agricultural domain have been integrated in the labour market and only 3% have opened their own business, the remaining ones doing unskilled work or being unemployed. This situation has called for the necessity of elaborating this project, aiming to develop and improve the abilities and skills of students in vocational education,in the horticultural field, and to facilitate their adjustment to the European requirements with regard to their professional training, in accordance with the present demands of the labour market, by making use of the opportunities offered via the Erasmus+ programme.The aims of the project are:- acquiring the knowledge, skills and practical abilities, which will allow the 15 students to become responsible members of society, with real employment chances on the local and European labour market in the horticultural field;- experiencing certain work-related situations in the European area, which will enable the 15 students to become active citizens of the European Union;- gathering information on other countries and cutures, which will enable the 15 students to develop their entrepreneurial spirit, in order to start their own business;- increasing the appeal of the practical training period organising methods so that it meets the true necessities of students of becoming real professionals in the horticultural field of activity. Concretely, the project consists of a 21 – day period of practical training, undergone by 15 10th form, vocational education, horticultural qualification students from “Nicolae Balcescu” Technological High – School, in the seed beds (nurseries), greenhouses, parks and recreation areas belonging to the Nicotera town hall, in the region of Calabria, Italy, through the agency of Giovani per l’Europa professional formation association, from Italy, a partner with a vast experience in implementing student professional training projects through the Erasmus+ programme. The anticipated results of the implementation of this project comprise: first of all the accomplishment of this project’s aims, while simultaneously adapting the participants to a work schedule prepared in concordance with European standards, by a country with great experience in the horticultural field and improving the participants’ skills of communicating in a foreign language. Our institution, “Nicolae Balcescu” Technological High – School, will have the possibility of increasing the appeal of practical training classes, by implementing the good practice examples assimilated during the project, and of preparing the implementation of other european projects, addressing other target groups, thus meeting their demands of harmonious development, in concordance with the strategies of adapting school to European standards and practices, by using the opportunities provided by the Erasmus+ programme. On a long – term basis, the sustainability of the project will be ensured by integrating in society citizens with an European values basis, able to ensure their own financial independence, by putting into practice in different farms, or in their own business, the trade that they have learned. Furthermore, our school will adapt its development targets, by emphasising the European projects and partnerships aspect, as a premise of increasing its appeal to the students and other educational partners. The local community, following the dissemination of the good practice examples, will have the necessary information to implement further projects, for other young people who have left school and desire the opportunity to train for a trade in accord with European standards through the Erasmus+ programme.

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