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Vientos de cambio
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

PROJECT "WINDS OF CHANGE"Playa de Arinaga High School is located in Villa de Agüimes, in the southeast part of the island of Gran Canaria. It is a young, innovative and modern centre, in which students from 22 countries of Europe, Africa and America study - thus the European and international dimension in which our students develop themselves is one of our hallmarks. All of our students belong to the bilingual programme, called CLIL and promoted by the Canarian Autonomous Region, since the year 2009-2010. These features, together with the principles of integration, autonomy, cooperation, enjoyment and integrity, have motivated the project "Winds of change," which aims at renewing and updating the teaching practice and at acquiring new inclusive methodologies which could improve the classroom management, and finally improve our students' performance.Several are the target aims of this project; for the centre:1. To improve the quality of the educational offer;2. To improve our teachers' professional qualifications;3. To promote our internationalization.For the participants:1. To get to know other educational systems;2. To improve their teaching practice through the use of new teaching-learning methodologies;3. To become active agents of the process of modernization and internationalization of the centre.To reach these goals, five activities of mobility have been organized, involving the countries of Malta, Germany, Finland and the United Kingdom. In these activities, participants will be able to update their knowledge in the fields of interculturality as well as in foreign languages teaching, in such linguistic subjects as German, and even in the Content and Language Integrated Learning developed in other areas such as Mathematics, Physical Education and Science.At the same time, this project aims at reaching a long-term impact on our educational community, since all the knowledge and experiences obtained by the participants will be an essential part of the Training Plan of our centre, which will be carried out the next year, so that all our teachers can benefit from the participants' mobilities. Moreover, the dissemination plan considers that all the resources and materials obtained from these activities will be spread throughout our common digital areas so that our teachers can have a direct access to them, and they will also be included in our teachers' daily practice in an effective way.Finally, IES Playa de Arinaga considers it essential for our students to progress as an active part of their European Union and to be aware of the professional and personal opportunities provided by Europe. All these progressions can only be attained through the KA1 proposal here described, as well as through further actions, such as the KA2 project of the same name, and by hosting other teachers interested in carrying out job shadows in our centre.

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