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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project rise from the situation around us. Akaa Upper Secondary School has always had a lot of international co-operation but we haven't had a strategy or a working plan for it. Our school like many other upper secondary schools in Finland live now in an uncertain situation because of the new coming laws. We don't know about the future, are we allowed to continue our work or how it is going to be changed. In this kind of situation it is very important for the staff to take care of their competences. Our school is located in the central of Häme, area where there is only a few other nationalities present. In this kind of areas, school needs to be active to give the students the opportunity to learn what it means to be a citizen in multicultural Europe. In our school we use many different pedagogical ways of learning and ICT is present in everyday life. New curriculum, coming2016, demands also new methods. We put special attention to the evaluation. Two teachers and the principal are involved in this project. They all have experience in the international co-operation and they have lots of things to bring with them to the courses: different pedagogical methods, ICT use in school, project management, strategy planning etc. Project will produce a strategy and a working plan for the international co-operation. It will be done during the school year 2015-2016. Beside the fact that the teachers and the principal will have more competencies in their work, the whole school comes more able to compete in the future. Also the quality of learning will improve. The school will also get a working network. Desemination of the result is easy in many ways. Both teachers work in all the schoolgrades in Akaa Town and can use their competencies there. We are active in other projects which have near connections to this one, like the skills in the worklife. We will also share our experiences throuhg the social media and etwinning.

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