Vida Compartida
Start date: Oct 1, 2016,
End date: Sep 30, 2017
Sant LLuís Town Hall - Molí de Baix offers to welcome the project VIDA COMPARTIDA in the day care centre and the retirement home in Sant Lluís.This Project aims at offering European young people the chance to know and be pat of the daily life of the retirement home with direct/indirect contact with the residents.The Retirement Home and the day care centre is owned by Sant Lluis Council and managed by Clinica Secretari Coloma . The home was opened in 2010 , brand new centre that has 20 vacancies for day care and 26 for residents.We can host a volunteer regardless his/her sex, origin, or training background. Our intention is to find deeply motivated people, ready to learn and improve his/her work abilities with elderly people. The volunteers will participate in the different scheduled programmes in the centre such as psychological care, nursing, physiotherapy, leisure activities..The activities to be carried out by the volunteers are a clear sample of the project itself: Shared Lives-They will participate and fully get involved in the daily life of the centre.The activities to be carried out by the volunteers will be those of preparing and carrying out different workshops, handicrafts and outdoor events. They will also be asked to actively participate in the regular meeting sessions with their colleagues and above all giving great support to the social activities in the centre.The methodology we use to develop this project is very active and collaborative and well thought and planned by the project manager in the centre. The project manager in the centrer will guide the volunteers and he/she will be in constant contact with the coordination board f of the project. The coordinator of the project will offer great administrative support It’s very important that volunteers get fully involved, and be ready to participate actively in the activities. We want to. help them boost their own personal capacities in order to help them in their personal development.The outcome and impact expected from the project will be seen in short and long term actions. We want our local community become aware of the Erasmus Plus programme, mainly youths from the town They can also promote our project and the Erasmus programme itself.On the other hand we understand the project impact as a process. It starts with the project itself but we don't give it a deadline. We believe that promotion needs to be continuous in order to get to as many youths as possible in order to offer them better learning chances.
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