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VETLICAT (Vocational and Educational Training, Linking Creativity & Advanced Technology)

VETLICAT project addresses specific target group of creative industry professionals, both VET providers and consumers such as artists, designers and creative sector decision makers. We are addressing a problem that existing VET scenarios do not link effectively creativity and advanced technology. Our main objective is to work together in order to transfer an innovative training model that originated in the Netherlands called “WAAG Academy”. It is a VET service that targets the increase in competences and skills of creative sector professionals. Our consortium is composed of VET providers, creative sector operators and SMEs with compatible training experience as well as innovation needs. The specific objectives will be to transfer, localize and pilot-test selected training modules and learning tools, specifically in the following 3 domains: A. Body-driven Human-Technology Interaction (tools and techniques using and extending interface capacity of the human body when interacting with ICT) B. New devices, instruments and do-it-yourself (DIY) fabrication (introducing emerging tools and skills derived from smart use of materials and ICT)C. Serious Games (employing game technologies and scenarios beyond entertainment, i.e. in game-driven education and learning). The main outputs will be: 1. Transfer and localization of innovative VET model and content focused on linking creativity and advanced technology in selected segments2. Pilot testing of localized training modules and learning tools (e-books and distant learning platform) within the target group3. Innovation transfer towards VET stakeholders such as training providers as well as educational service consumers, i.e. creative sector professionals such as artists, designers, educators, decision makers4. New educational services in the specific focus area linking creativity, innovation and advanced technology5. Knowledge exchange and pooling amongst the partners6. Wide dissemination of the results. The overall impact is manifold: A. Added value derived from the internationalization, modernization of VET system and practice as well as from the knowledge exchange and expert cooperationB. Increased level of competences and skills for both VET providers and educational services consumers based on the innovative linkage of creativity and advanced technology that is at core of future competitiveness at the level of changing markets and audiences. The project activities will include:- Creative and cultural industry VET stakeholders meetings and collaboration- Comparative studies of VET systems and practices, incl. the analysis of the needs of both the direct and indirect target groups- Transfer and localization of “WAAG Academy” VET model, incl. creation of localized learning tools- Pilot testing: Realization of a series of training modules- Public workshops and conferences introducing the model and other results- Dissemination and exploitation of results

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6 Partners Participants