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VET in Rapid Earthquake Damage Assessment of Buildings to Avoid the Demolishing

Recent earthquakes, especially with high magnitudes re-emphasised the importance of rapid earthquake damage assessment and retrofitting of damaged structures. Especially most of the damage and loss of life in the earthquake regions were the result of weakening effect of the former earthquakes occurred previously. Also the people and the governments weren't prepared to such disasters and couldn’t respond rapid damage assessment and crisis management. After an earthquake, rapid estimation about damaged buildings and the level of damage is very important to facilitate decision-making and planing for earthquake crisis management as well as recovery, rescue, loss estimation and retrofitting of damaged buildings.It is necessary to get prepared for a rapid and knowledge based information response to such an earthquake damage. A new model with an integrated approach will be developed to rapid earthquake damage assessment of building structures. The developed method will use image processing: pre-event imagery data sets and post event near real time imagery for the comparison of pre and post event analysis as a transfer of innovation, RADATT Project. In the new integrated approach building information (building types, structural systems, number of floors, total height, building age, irregularities, foundation system, materials, wall indices and population), geological information (geology, faults, seismicity, topography, liquefaction), and seismic data information (earthquake center, magnitude of earthquake, seismic attenuation) will be integrated with image processing. After completed the project a practical approach will also be developed and engineers & technicians will be trained for rapid earthquake damage assessment of building structures by GIS.By using pre-event data information EARTHQUAKE will also give information about the rapid earthquake safety evaluation of existing building structures before an earthquake disaster. The Italian partner, University of Pavia will transfer the innovation ‘RADATT Project’ to be used image processing part of rapid earthquake damage assessment. Also, main training activities will be performed by University of Pavia, Italy. The new model development (EARTHQUAKE) by considering building information, geological information and seismic data information will be done by BUPIM & ERBIL from Turkey. ARATOS from Greece will participate in adopting the previous system and designing with new features for GIS application as well as application of new developed integrated system for rapid earthquake damage assessment. A pilot region will be selected in Istanbul, Turkey for EARTHQUAKE Project application in field. A book, web-site, DVD, training modules as blended-learning will be produced in the project. At the end of these training courses, the target group will be well developed to avoid the disasters and demolishing in case of earthquakes, they will get prepared for the high magnitudes of earthquakes.

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