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Verstetigung und Erweiterung entwickelter CREDCHEM Lernergebniseinheiten unter Verwendung von ECVET und der Web 2.0 Lernplattform ChemNet
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The CREDCHEM BLENDED MOBILITY – project includes VET institutions from the partner countries of the project CREDCHEM, funded by the DG education and culture as well as the LdV partnership CREDCHEM-TRANSFER. The mobility project aims to stabilize, to test and to expand as needed the results of CREDCHEM (learning units, learning outcomes, of the learning units, measuring the learning results). For this purpose learner mobility’s will be prepared organizationally and with regard to contents. Therefore CREDCHEM BLENDED MOBILITY supports the further testing and implementation of ECVET in the chemical industry. This is guaranteed by the use of successfully tested and applied CREDCHEM unis of learning outcome for the work in the laboratory and by the use of the web 2.0. based learning platform ChemNet. The mobility’s ensure a further deepening of the contacts with each of the partner schools. They enable the sharing of experiences among teachers and trainers as well as among apprentices and pupils. In addition, this provides useful inputs for a greater cross- border cooperation. For this purpose, each mobility with 3-5 chemical lab technician apprentices from SBG Dresden Ltd. and with one accompanying trainer, will be send annually for a 2 weeks mobility to the partner schools either in Bratislava or Brno or Pardubice or Padua during the 2 year period of the proposed mobility project. During the mobility’s the apprentices work on different tasks to fulfill the CREDCHEM units of learning outcome. They carry out the tasks in the partner’s laboratory and by the help of ChemNet. The online platform is used for documentation purposes of the work progress as well as communication platform. During the annually organized CREDCHEM NETWORK summer academy for teachers and during the CREDCHEM NETWORK Strategy (for headmasters) the work and the results of the mobility’s will be presented. CREDCHEM BLENDED MOBILITY pushes the initiative "Establishment of a European educational network for the chemical sector“(CREDCHEM Network). The participants of the above mentioned project committed themselves by a joint declaration of intent given in June 2009. This initiative is explicitly being supported by the German social partners in the chemical industry. The mobility strengthens the European dimension of VET, promotes the professional, linguistic and IT skills of the participants, enhances the transparency between European vocational qualifications and promotes the development of joint instruments for quality assurance in VET. The results of CREDCHEM BLENDED MOBILITY will be incorporated in the structures of CREDCHEM Network and transferred into the training structures of the participating countries.
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4 Partners Participants