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Verso l'Europa per nuovi ambienti di apprendimento: la matematica come trampolino di lancio
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Towards Europe: Maths as launching pad The policy plan of “Istituto Comprensivo Sassuolo 4 Ovest” is aimed to provide the Institute with innovative teaching/learnig practices and an “European Dimension”. The experiences of Comenius Assistantships have made possible a number of activities, projects and initiatives which culminated with the award : "Europe is changing the school" - 2013 edition - Label for the recognition of the quality of European projects in Italian schools . The skills got by the Comenius program led our institution to apply for ERASMUS+ grant KA1 action: the title of the project represents the main idea about our staff’s forseen acquired competences and the impact in our institution. The aim is to: - extend and consolidate the knowledge of the English language in a greater number of teachers in order to prepare teaching / learning activities in CLIL - plan a new Maths curriculum, partly structured in English, because the relationship between natural language and symbolic form is an important element in the formation of thought; - implement the knowledge and use of ICT in education as tools offering new opportunities for teaching/learning, closer to the experience of students; - increase the vision and the school policy plan on the “EU Dimension” also through the eTwinning net. - improve the quality of school organization in terms of student performance and staff. In the mobility project three specific training actions have been planned: 1 . An English Course; 2 . A course on the use of ICT to go towards a pedagogical change, from a content-centred approach to a student-centred one; 3 . A “Benchmarking” course to develop the institute work organization. 28 selected people among teachers and school staff will take part into the mobility action: a team of 12 will attend the course of English, two teams of 8 each will follow the courses on ICT and on the quality of school organization. The selection criteria will be: being involved into EU projects, using ICT competences in teaching/learnign activities, relevance of actions planned to reach the goals of innovationalisation. The English course will consist of a combination of project works and collaborative activities and will provide practical ideas for classroom management, planning and development of materials. The course on ICT, through dialogue and co-construction, will allow the acquisition of skills to implement their use in classroom practice, in line with the most current pedagogical theories and will give ideas and practical advice for the collaboration in eTwinning projects. Through observation of the up-to-date learning premises models, the workshop on the quality of school organization will provide useful tools to innovate the quality of school as a whole. The staff mobility will be preceded by preparatory actions to tailor-make the course design and to ensure quality learning outcomes. Learning agreements with the course providers will be taken to facilitate participants’ active involvement, to obtain detailed information related to the tasks and to inform about practical arrangements. Research groups on the contents of the courses will be organized and tools for evaluation will be prepared. Project activities will be monitored through self assessment of the competences, focus groups and sharing with trainers and participants. At the end of the training program the knowledge and competences acquired will be reported to the school staff and contacts with the course providers and other participants will be maintained as a feedback system. The outputs of the experience will be made public with conferences or open days. The results and impact envisaged in our mobility project will show an increasing number of classes involved in CLIL activities and eTwinng projects in the institute; teaching practices will integrate the use of ICT into pedagogy in ways that support learning goals. A school policy plan EU oriented will be further developed and finally students will improve the level of 21st century skills.

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