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"Verslumo kompetencijų ugdymas ES profesiniame mokyme ir darbo rinkoje"
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jul 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The modern and rapidly changing labour market for vocational training institutions wants a permanent renewal, flexibility and openness, that they are able to adapt at the same time, both to the labour market in the region, both at the national and international work in the world. Integrated into the labour market, young people must be qualified not only professional skills, qualifications, but also the general abilities (competencies) that help to find or create a job and own successfully operate in the modern world of work. The primary responsibility for development lies with the professional training institution, which is the content of the curriculum, educational, management and must be constantly adapted to labour market needs. In this area it is necessary to improve the situation, so we believe that the issues and experience-oriented education has a special meaning of nurturing entrepreneurial-based thinking and entrepreneurial skills. Therefore, the three professional schools of Lithuania rallied to the consortium for the project "Entrepreneurial skills in EU vocational education and the labour market'. The aim of the project-through the experience of the EU countries, vocational schools to nurture the professional activities of the person, the Regiment, and to adapt to the changing world with social, economic life. The tasks of the project for educators: analyze the aspects of entrepreneurship education of vocational training in the countries of the EU; gather information about existing best practices, and provide examples of the success factors and barriers to basic, identifying best practices in promoting entrepreneurial training, to analyze the importance of students representatives of the labour market in teaching entrepreneurial skills, provide suggestions and recommendations for the development of entrepreneurship module. Project tasks for students: to develop self confidence, self reliance, initiative, learn to analyze problems and make decisions, think critically, to achieve my goal, to assess your options and calculated risk and take advantage of the opportunities of life by strengthening the link between the theory and practice of the foreign enterprise in the environment. The result of the project the teachers planned to add entrepreneurship education in all areas of vocational education and training: practical training in specific areas associated with the purpose to develop the entrepreneurial spirit and support for students who intend to start a business. The entrepreneurship module developed to integrate into the content of vocational training through the vocational training standards and programs for adjustment. Hopefully, entrepreneurship programs and modules to encourage students to deal effectively with the problems objectively analyze business ideas, to communicate, to participate in social networks, lead and evaluate any project, the students will take the equity business to a more ambitious ideas. In all areas of vocational training, the most effective way of entrepreneurship education to allow students to participate in the practice of activities and projects with emphasis on experiential learning and the acquisition of practical experience of entrepreneurship. Practice of the foreign labour market for students give more motivation, entrepreneurship, professional competences, key competences which will help in finding a job, working for an employer or building your business. The project strengthened partnerships with other countries, see activity raises the prestige of both the professional schools at the local, regional, and national level. Participation in international projects helps organisations to become more competitive, more attractive to client-student.
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