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Vers un enseignement heuristique de la culture européenne pour faire évoluer nos pratiques en s'ouvrant aux autres
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The priority areas of work for our college as described in the school project are : - Promoting cultural, artistic and international awareness : promoting openness and exchanges between people - Place the students in the center of education process to ensure success for all - Strengthen transdisciplinarity - Develop partnerships, our little school does not want to be isolated The school has started, for several years now, to build bridges between subjects, to create transdisciplinarity. This is part of a more general policy, which has seen in recent years the development of a skills booklet, an exam of History of Arts and now some practical interdisciplinary teaching. Some links are created, knowledge is no longer limited to each teaching speciality. This is a means to make learning more meaningful for students. The latest PISA results confirm that our students have problems when there is too much partitioning in knowledge. This explains the difficulties they encounter in solving complex tasks. European projects allow us to change our practices and improve the success of our students. In the context of a more important international openness, the training activities have enabled us : - To confirm, continue, consolidate, renew European partnerships - To compare our teaching methods to others, in particular concerning transdisciplinarity :we have seen the practices of our european peers, we have seen the value of them but also shared ours. - To know the cultural context in different countries, to become more tolerant, using culture as a tool for accessing to an European citizenship - To find partners for future strategic partnerships (thanks to training organizations or among trainees) - To improve our language skills Eight different willing teachers, motivated by European projects and by innovative devices to help pupils, have taken part in language courses, job shadowing and structured training courses about the Environment or the European culture. Only six of them were initially involved but we have managed to open the project to new persons and a good financial management has allowed us to have one more mobility. Those teachers represent various subjects (artistic, literary and scientific), and this represents almost one-third of the total workforce of the institution. During the mobilities, new relations have been created with possible partners for projects to come. A monitoring committee has ensured the smooth running of the project and has taken decisions to have the project evolving when necessary; always keeping in mind the objectives. For instance, after a planned course had been deleted, the commitee was concerned to find a new course, relevant to reach the objectives chosen from the beginning. The committe was involved in preparing and having a good feedback after each mobility. It made a qualitative evaluation of the achievements of each mobility and checked that the results were communicated in an appropriate way. Here are the results and impacts after the implementation of the project : - increased skills to feel at ease in transnational communication, - our network of European partners is maintained and enlarged - a better understanding of the European culture and civilization - more mobilization and more involvement of more people in international projects, with better support in the process. Some new teachers in the school have expressed the willing of being part of new European projects and have worked to prepare the application of a new Erasmus+ school partnership. - increased motivation for the job, for new partnerships , for new teaching practices, more interest in transdisciplinarity. As mentionned above, we have applied for a new Erasmus+ partnership, involving more teachers. The school reform coming for next year in France, particularly considering the new practical interdisciplinary teaching (Enseignements Pratiques Interdisciplinaires) also leads more and more teachers to have projects making links between different subjects.
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