European Projects
Vergangenheit trennt - Zukunft verbindet
Vergangenheit trennt - Zukunft verbindet
Start date: May 1, 2016,
End date: Apr 30, 2017
Project’s Background:The project is planed for the young people, who have had never the opportunity to participate in a youth exchange. They come not only from different places but from different countries and they bring different experience with them. The participants living around Würzburg have migrational background or have the refugees status. They are first learning German like the group for Poland this is why it is interesting for them to meet.The Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształących Nr 7 (partner organisation) is an institution which is developing the european ideas and tolerance. The aims:• To discuss the socio-cultural causes of the escape of refugees • To organize and interesting international project for the group of minor refugees,• To invite participants independently of their financial situation,• To engage the youth with fewer opportunities and to encaurage them to participate,• To open the grpoup for other cultures and languages.The description of the activity:Five Days youth exchange in Würzburg ‚Past separates – Future connects’Thirty five participants from the surroundings of Würzburg and Olsztyn (Poland)5. – 9. June 2016 in the Jugendbildungsstätte Unterfranken (organiser) in Würzburg The participation of the youth is for us very important. Even though they have never participated in any youth exchange, we will take under consideration their wishes, expectations and feelings. The group leaders will use different methods to get the trust of them. Activities:Help of materials: videos, books, leafletsLanguage animationsWorkshops about culture, norms, valuesGetting to know each other workshopsGroup dynamic workshopsCity challenges (Teamwork)Communication with youth without language barrier ( sport, free time, tasks in small groups) Facebook – Group to stay in contactPlanned results:• To get to know the situation of minor refugees, • To develop competences of cooperation in a team, • To raise the Interests in foreign languages,• To raise the transcultural competencesm interest in different groups, cultures, people, • To break the stereotypes,• The win the openess to new and not-known things,• To get to know the situation of young people in other countries.The learning process will be reflected regularly. Before the exchange the young people will meet with the group leaders and clarify why they would like to participate, what are their expectations and what they want to learn. After that the youth leaders will plan the program together. During the exchange we will be reflecting each day. The referents will use differenbt methods to get the feedback from the group. In the end of the activity there will be final evaluation (visual, written and spoken).Long-time impact:- On the local community:• Keeping the Contacts beetween the youth and the organisations,• The awareness about international youth projects,• Longtime cooperation and youth projects in the future between the partner organisation,- On the international / European level:• To raise the interests on international projects,• To organise more youth exchanges,Mehr internationale Jugendaustausch zu organisieren,• To develop the engagement of the Jugendbildungsstätte Unterfranken as the Lighthouse for German – Polish youth projects.